Good news

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Patricia's POV

I was going out of my mind.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE EDDIE?!?" I screamed to Eddie as he ran up to join me near her cot.

"We left her right there!" he observed.

"I NO WE FUCKING LEFT HER THERE BUT SHE ISN'T THERE NOW YOU ASSHOLE!" I screeched. Where the hell is my baby girl?

"Calm down Patricia, we don't know something bad has happened yet." Eddie said calmly. It wasn't going to work.

"CALM? YOU WANT ME TO BE CAM? I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY MONTH OLD DAUGHTER IS AND YOU WANT ME TO BE CALM?" then something hit me. "What if rufus took her?" i said lowering my voice.

"Rufus is dead."

"It wouldn't be the first time he had come back from the dead." i said. Jesus fucking christ where was my baby?

"He's dead. End of." eddie told me firmly. "Maybe someone else took her.

"like who?" i asked. "WHO IN THERE RIGHT MIND WOULD STEEL A CHILD?" I was getting riled again.

"Calm. We will find her. Lets just make sure no one we know took her first." he said reassuringly. Then Jerome poked his head around the window.

"Whats with all the shouting?" he asked coming into the doorway "You're gunna wake cara, i only just got her back to sleep." he was holding CJ asleep in her arms, Jerome placed her into the cot and turned to us. I slapped him across the face. "What was that for?" he asked

"I thought Rufus had kidnapped her you moron!" i whisper-shouted.

"Sorry!" he held his arms up in a surrender. "I came down for a drink when you came into my bedroom to talk to fabian and i heard the poor pixie crying so i tried to get her to stop." he said innocently.

"Okay, thanks, just don't scare us like that again." Eddie told him as he backed out of the room.

Holy crap that was close! I thought i almost lost her.

Fabian's POV

I had done it. It took me all night but i did it. Finally. It was now morning and i went to go tell everyone about the good news. Luckily they were all waiting for me.

"Guys!" i said, hurrying along to join them at the table. "Ive translated the note fro Rufus."

"Great!" Patricia said. "What does it say?" she looked worried and tired. I wonder what happened last night? I thought i heard shouting?

"kay so it says..." i started to read the translation "...My dear daughter's mother, When her 100th sunlight rests upon her head, forth time shall become, Anubis undone, to take my two precious away. RZ"

That left them speechless. "I think it means that on the 100th day after Cara's birth Rufus will be brought back to life - again - to get you both." i explained. Why did Rufus have to be such a pain? Why could he not just die. Forever? I was worried for patricia and Cara-Jane. I didn't want anyone getting hurt.

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