Horrific vision

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Eddie's POV

I touched the bed post on mine and Patricia's bed.

A warm - almost hot sensation ran through my veins, a toxic taste in my mouth. My body spasmed out of control in a numb pain, my back arched inwards with the blow. The metallic smell of blood met my nostrils as i tried to stop the movement of my body, i had no control. My head snapped sideways as i heard a shriek - Patricia - she was crippling over in agony like me, her veins bulging out of her skin and un-naturally green in colour. Poison sat between us. She grabbed my hand in a last attempt to be close to me and i dragged her limp body towards me, holding her in a tight hug, until another spasm caused us to inch apart. Then, without thought, she poured a red liquid in my mouth - the antidote - the spasm stopped, my veins returning to normal. She had given up the last of the antidote to save me, her head fell lifeless, her wedding dress red with blood and my tux the same. I kissed her fiercely, hoping some antidote was left on my lips and tongue. None reached her, she died in my arms. A wedding ring slid off her finger.

FUCK! I thought as i exited the vision, that was one scary vision the bed post just gave me. I hate these things. I sat straight up in fright, turning to check Patricia was still lay next to me, she was.

"Whats the matter Baby?" she asked, sitting up next to me and and passing me her glass of water.

"i just had a vision."

"of what?"

"You. Me. Poison. One antidote. You dying. Me living." i told her simply, i knew my visions were of the foreseeable future, and i knew this happened on our wedding night, but i didn't tell Patricia that.

"It's okay Slimeball, it could have just been a dream, we are not going to die for years and years, i promise." she comforted me, taking the glass from my hand and putting it on the side, she pulled me into a warm embrace and lay me back down, leaning her head on my chest. "Go back to sleep Weasel, I'm still alive." and within seconds, she was back to snoring lightly - or breathing heavily as Patricia viewed it - but i couldn't sleep, not one bit. The wedding was all planned and ready for October 29th. Right now it was 2am on October 1st. Crap.

Patricia's POV

When morning came Eddie was acting like last night never happened, that he didn't dream me dying. It must have been a dream, it couldn't be a vision. Could it?

'Forget it Patricia.' I told myself. 'Just relax today and arrange more wedding details with your mother.'

Thats what i did.

I was wearing Eddie's hoodie, it was too big for me but i was soft on the inside and i could get away with not wearing a bra. A pair of jeans on my legs and my fluffy black slippers on foot - perfect casual outfit. Mum and I were sat at the dining table discussing flowers with Joy, Eddie was off tux shopping with the guys. We had decided to get married in England so it was easier to sort out but all of Eddie's american family were flying out for the wedding. We had booked a fancy hotel place for the wedding reception and for the Miller's to stay in, plus all my family and the family on Mr Sweet's side, but we were getting married on the school grounds, it was silly really but we wanted something personal to us, like where we first met - in the student lounge.

We were going to have flower draped along the top of the stage, dangling from the roof plus some on the bottom of the stage, a red carpet was going to be put down the middle of the room and up the stairs where eddie and i would get married on the stage - which would have red carpet all over it - it sounds cheep and silly, but it was personal, and we only wanted a small thing.

"Orchids?" Joy suggested "We could have pretty white ones as the buttonholes for the guys?"

"That sound beautiful!" my mum chirped in. "Then we could have them intwined into the vines drapping from the ceiling also. What do you think Trixie Pixie?"

"Yeah sound nice but what they were white orchid and red rose buttonholes?" i asked. I liked the idea of roses and orchids.

"Perfect!" Joy squealed like that annoying girl from Isis house - I think her name is Wilba or Willow, maybe Wendy? - i could tell joy was excited.

"Then we can also have red roses in the decor." my mum stated

"So white orchid and red rose it is!" i said happily. (A/N - pic of the buttonholes on Instagram.)

"What about the bouquet?" Joy asked.

"Well actually i got a idea when i was out yesterday..." my mum started. "...i saw these fake flowers but they looked SO real, and they were proper wedding bouquets, its so the bride doesn't get pollen or any bugs on the dress which i thought was cool. But they had a black and white rose bouquet that looked real and it had little diamonds on as well! It was perfect for you Trix." she showed me a pic of the bouquet.

"Thats perfect!" i told her.

A/N - Not only will the buttonholes be on instagram but i will also put up a pic of the bouquet. Hope u like them. Please keep voting and please comment - your comments make my day! Thanks. XxX PEDDIE FOREVER!

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