Forcing things

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Eddie's POV

I was over the moon that i was now married to Patricia, but one thing still crossed my mind - what if my vision cane true? I couldn't let Patricia out of my sight, if she was dancing, so was I, if she was at the bar, i would be there too, no matter what, i was going wherever she was. I would make sure she drank that antidote, or stop het from drinking the poison. Whichever i could control easier. I was adamant that whatever drink we drank, it had come from the bar, from the barman straight to me then passed on to Patricia - after tasting it first - to make sure no one added any poison. Maybe i could avoid my vision. This would be much easier if I knew who was going to poison us. Maybe a vision could help?

Patricia and i had just had our first dance and now she was dancing with Jerome's dad - her ex stepdad. I was sat at our table, i needed something from the house. I had nothing on me. Then i noticed the beautiful locket belonging to my nana falling gracefully from Patricia's neck and leaning elegantly over the top of her stunning white dress, maybe it counted? It had spent a lot of time in the house afterall. What had i got to loose? I didn't have a better plan.

I made my way to the dancefloor as the song ended conveniently, i tapped Jerome's dad on the shoulder and he gave me Patricia hand sincerely. Patricia smiled as though i had saved her. We danced slowly for a minuet, taking in the atmosphere in silence. I leant it close to her ear and whispered, my breath caught on her skin giving her goosebumps "how are you liking our wedding, Mrs Miller?" i asked quietly.

"It's better now that you have saved me." she whispered back. She made my heart race and beat violently, threatening to burst out of my chest.

"I need to touch your locket." i said, getting straight to the point before the song ended "i need to have a vision, it might work if i touch your locket."

"why?" she asked "What do you need to see?" she was worried now, pulling me away from her slightly to look me in the eye.

"Don't worry now, i will explain it all later." i smiled at her reassuringly.

"Okay." with that I touched her locket and went into a vision.

A man was carrying drinks, he was in a grey suit, standing out from everyone else in black. He looked kind, not at all shifty i like would have expected. He took out a small bottle, tipping the green liquid into the two glasses "i don't get payed enough for this." he murmured under his breath. Continuing to carry the two drinks towards the dance floor where i was with patricia. He passed us the drinks.

I came back to reality and kissed Patricia quickly and ran towards the bar. He was there. In his grey suit. I found Jerome's dad, who was practically a dad to Patricia too.

"Hey Eddie, you alright? You look worried." he said patting my back.

"I'm fine thanks, i was actually wondering if you could do me a favour. Since you are way scarier than me." he scoffed a laugh for effect.

"Yeah sure. What is it?" he asked.

"You see that guy there in grey?" i pointed to him "Can you get rid of him. patricia's Ex, he is still way to in love with her for us to be comfortable with him being here." i lied.

"Done." he went and within seconds the problem was gone. At least we weren't going to die tonight. We just needed to enjoy tonight then worry about Anubis being after us.

I went and joined my wife on the dance floor.

Bound to you. (a Peddie story)Where stories live. Discover now