Living nightmare

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Patricia's POV

I think its fairly safe to say that i haven't been quite myself recently. Being raped by Rufus for a second time really got to me, besides, this was the third time he died, we would never truly know if it was over. CJ had proven quite the distraction, she was beautiful and totally oblivious to the fact that her mother was an emotional wreck. I would be better when Beth got here. She has been making plans to come here for weeks now but something always comes up and she has to delay, Beth is like a mother to me! I just want her here. Now.

Everyone spending the summer in Anubis house was proving to test Victor's patience, we had a curfew of 11 instead of 10 since there is no school, yet CJ didn't quite understand that 11pm means shut up and sleep, she cried every night.

I was constantly having nightmares about that night in the barn, Rufus seemed to play heavily in my dreams, I didn't understand why he was still there in my mind all of the time - it wasn't this bad the first time he raped me. Why was it so bad this time?

I didn't even begin to think if the answer until I saw Eddie holding CJ and rocking her back to sleep at 2am. Maybe i was crazy, maybe I was sleep deprived, but something clicked seeing them together.

Cara looks nothing like her father.

I know you don't usually see much resemblance between babies and their parents but it wasn't just that.

He eye colour was exactly the same as Rufus'.

I was being silly. Eddie was CJ's father, it said so on the paternity test.

Which i never actually read. Eddie read it and told me what it said.

He wouldn't. Would he? No, of course not. Why would he?

It was a crazy idea, one which i prayed and hoped to be wrong about, but i had to look, i had to know for sure. Lucky for my sanity, I know where Eddie put the letter and i was sure it was still there now.

"I'm going to take her for some fresh air, we will just be outside." Eddie whispered to me, leaving the room with Cara in his arms. I nodded in response.

I reached into Eddie's bedside draw and searched through all of the paperwork. Letter's from his family, old letters from his dad, ultrasound pictures, photos of us, photos of people i didn't recognise until finally i found it. The paternity test results.

I opened the envelope quickly and eagerly and took out the letter.

Then Eddie walked back in, putting CJ in her cot and turning to me unaware of what i was holding in my hands, of what i was accusing him of. "What cha got there?" he asked, pulling Cara's blanket over her.

"Your not Cara's biological father." i accused.

"You weren't supposed to find that."

I couldn't believe it. But there it was, clear as day. 'The biological match to father is DNA article B' it was written on the letter. Both Eddie and I knew Rufus was DNA article B, and Eddie was article A.

"Well i did find it so EXPLAIN." i said raising my voice at him.

"I will, just not in front if CJ okay. I don't wanna wake her." he took my hand and let me out of the room and into the kitchen.

"EXPLAIN." i said again louder.

"Okay. I will..." he started "I read the letter and found out Rufus was the father then told you it was me because CJ is my daughter, I knew you wouldn't think i was 100% in this unless she was mine. And i didn't want you to look at our child everyday thinking that she has the DNA of the bullshitter who raped you."

"You shouldn't have lied to me!" i told him bluntly.

"I know but I did it for you Yacker. i'm sorry."

"Sorry won't cut it. Can you please sleep on the sofa tonight." i said turning away from him. "I don't wanna look at you right now." i started to walk away heartbroken. How could he lie to me?

"I'm so sorry baby." i heard him say as i walked back into our room. How could he do this to me?

Cara-Jane wasn't Eddie's daughter. She was Rufus'. My whole life was a living nightmare.

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