Ancient Egypt

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A/N - hey readers, so sorry but i've been a little all over the place recently so my chapters haven't been so good. I'm trying my best so sorry if it doesn't go so well. Please keep commenting - it makes my day to see a new comment :D By the way I did a lot of research for this chapter.

So here I go ...

Eddie's POV

We had no idea why everyones mark from Anubis had gone red, Fabian decided there might be something about it in the anti-chamber. We had left Mara and Jerome to babysit CJ as we made our way down to that creepy place.

There was so many books, hundreds at least. We all took our segments of book shelves and began searching.

"Curses of Anubis?" joy asked pulling out a massive and dusty book.

"Perfect Joy." Fabian said taking it from her and opening it up at a random page, flicking through to see if there was anything of significance. Patricia and I joined Fabian and Joy in the middle of the room while everyone else carried on searching. "Ah!" he shouted suddenly. "I found something." with that everyone crowded around.

"'in the duat, which is the Egyptian afterlife, Anubis would weigh the hearts of the dead against the 'feather of Ma'at' If the heart outweighed Ma'at's feather then the owner was proved unworthy and was sent for their soul to be devoured by Ammit and they would be sentenced to eternity in the duat. If the heart weighed the same as the feather then the owner would be sent to eternity with Aaru, with Osiris guarding the gates.'" Fabian had lost me at duat. What did this have to do with us?

"Why do we need to know this?" patricia asked annoyed as if she was reading my mind.

"Anubis obviously thinks we have done something wrong, so, he has sent some people condemned to life it the duat to warn us. Anubis will weigh our hearts to see if we are guilty, if we are then we die and spend life in the duat, if we pass then we travel to Aaru and can be re-born." cause that made it sound much simpler. Not.

"wait!" i said putting my hand out for emphasis. "you said my dad came to you right? Well he isn't dead." i commented.

It was Mara who spoke "It might not have been mr Sweet. It just looked so much like him."

"Give me that book." i said, grabbing the book, then i span into a different reality, leaving behind the dusty anti-chamber. This vision was different to the others, i saw the past, not the future.

I was stood in a field with a man that looked like my father, just with glasses. It was my grandfather. And Victor Rodemaar senior stood by him. "i told you arnold." victor spoke to my grandfather "Anubis wants you to guard the gates to Aaru, as Osiris. You are the Osirion in a long line of many, it must be you, to take over from your father, then your son Eric will take over from you when he dies and so on." Victor explained. Which meant i will take over after that. Great.

I regained conscientious and told everyone about my vision.

We still didn't know what Anubis though we were guilty of. Our only solution was to wait and find out.

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