Short tempered

861 11 13

Willow’s POV

I was happily skipping around the school grounds, trying to keep my wondering mind from the tearful events that had just come upon us. My aura was all out of whack, totally not my usual happy aura colour. I think I must have been skipping for at least an hour, it was a pretty good workout, and a good way to keep from getting evil stares from Mara, I promise I didn’t know she was going out with Jerome, he told me they split up and she was going cuckoo still pretending to be with him, he said he didn’t want to hurt her, serves me right for being such a trusting person, his aura didn’t show any sign of lying or deceiving, I guess I was a bit too love struck to notice anything.

I came to a stop, I was out of breath, skipping really does that to you, I was bend over on my front, trying to regain a natural breathing routine when I felt someone back into me, nearly pushing me over.

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry.” A female British accent greeted me “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“It’s alright, I don’t hold a grudge.” I told her, she seemed very pleases about that. She had several red bags lay around her, was she new? I hadn’t seen her before. She had black hair with a red and blue streak on the inside of her locks, it was only noticeable when she wanted it to be, clever. She had pale white skin which was free of freckles – unlike my own – and piercingly blue-green eyes, I suppose you would call the colour aqua, they kind of started green near the pupil and made their way to bright light blue on the outside, strangely alluring. She had a slight but curvy figure, one that most girls would envy, she had the perfect hourglass figure without being too thin. She was wearing blue jeans with some light brown lace-up boots that nearly reached her kneecap, she then wore a long red vest top that was almost long enough to be a dress and a black leather jacket. Her makeup was simple, just some mascara and eyeliner, I didn’t see that she needed to use makeup.  There was just that feeling of perfectness that surrounded her, it was odd, and her aura was the nicest I had ever seen. I so wanted to be her friend. “Are you new? I’m Willow.” I said, holding out my hand which she shook gently.

“I’m Aquamarine.” She told me. “I was wondering if you could help me. It’s my first day and I’m sort of very lost.”

“Okay, where are you staying?”

“Anubis House. Do you know where that is?” she looked embarrassed that she had to ask, I was happy to help her though.

“That’s where I live, I was just heading there now, let me help you with your bags.” I said, taking a couple of her bags and starting to walk towards the house. “You must be taking Amber’s place, which means that you must be my new roommate.”

“Great!” She seemed genuinely happy to be that.

We walked back to the house and I told her all about our housemates.

When we got to the house everyone was in the front room and kitchen area except Patricia, who must be putting CJ to bed. She can meet Aquamarine later.

Trudy was the first to move, she walked over to us after we put Aquamarine’s bags in the hall, I sat down on the sofa, leaving Aqua to stand in the doorway. “You must be our new resident, welcome to Anubis house, I’m Trudy, this is Alfie, Eddie, Fabian, Mara, Joy and I guess you have met Willow.” She said, pointing at us all as she spoke our names. “Patricia is in her room putting her daughter, CJ, to bed.”

 “I’m Aquamarine.” She told them all.

“Nice to meet you, help yourself to food and get to know everyone, we will put your bags in your room later, you will be rooming with Willow in the two bed downstairs, opposite Eddie, Patricia and their daughter CJ if that’s alright.”

“That’s perfectly fine thank you.” She responded, I liked her, I think we could be good friends.

Patricia’s POV

I walked out of my room after putting CJ to bed, taking out my phone to check my messages, 3 missed calls from mum, great. I walked into the front room, or at least tried to, I ended up walking into some black haired chick in the way.

“HEY watch where you stand will you?” I said loudly, maybe even waking up Cara.

She turned around. “I think you should watch where you walking don’t you?” She retorted, she had a temper, I walked out into the hallway and came in through the other door. Must be the new girl, she’s feisty, I doubt we will get on. “You must be Patricia, I’m Aquamarine, named after the eyes.” She told me pointing to her eyes.

“I don’t really care.” I told her honestly, I really don’t like her.

“Be nice.” Eddie whispered in my ear.

“No.” I whispered back.

“Wow, you’ve got a temper, I didn’t think you had it in you.” Willow said, obviously the new girl must have been nice before I came into the room.

“There’s a lot to me you don’t know.” She said.

Eddie’s POV

Patricia was way too harsh on the new girl, that was obvious, I hope she doesn’t hold a grudge. It was time to find out, Patricia was stood in the front room talking to Alfie, probably about Aquamarine – bit of a mouthful – and I was at the food table when Aqua came and joined me, can I call her Aqua?

“Hey.” I greeted “Sorry about Patricia, pregnancy hormones.”

“So she’s not usually like that?” she asked.

“Oh no, she’s usually like that, but now she has an excuse.” I said, she laughed, her laugh was almost musical, sweet and pretty.

“Well I have to admit, I’m kinda short tempered.” She told me.

“Yeah, I noticed you had a temper. So, do you like being called Aqua? A? anything you like to be called? Aquamarine is a bit of a mouthful else.”

“I don’t mind really and I blame my parents for the bad choice in name.”

“I think it’s pretty, and it suits you.” I told her honestly, something had me drawn to her.

“Thank you.” She said “Seriously though, I don’t mind what you call me, I go by anything, It, that, her, seriously anything you want, most people call me Aqua.”

“I’m not most people.” I told her, was I flirting? I couldn’t tell. “I’m gunna call you Temper I think, yeah temper, that’s your new nickname.” Temper, awesome on the spot thinking there, I was so smooth.

“I’d like that.” She said, then she left, and I instantly wanted her back, was that weird? It felt so natural. 

A/N - you like the new girl? please tell me.

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