Egyptian duat II

911 10 7

No one's POV (third person)

Anubis looked at his two remaining victims - Patricia and Edison Miller - his two most likely suspects. Patricia fell to the floor. Her heart placed upon the scales against the truth of Ma'at's feather. It outweighed the feather - a lot - anubis studied the weight, cautious not to let any mishap happen. It was close, but not close enough to the weight of thou who is guilty. Her heart was replaced inside if her and she was sent back with her friends, although her mark from anubis stayed strong and everlasting on the bottom of her back, a black tattoo. She rose again in Sibuna clearing, waking instantly to find her friends crowded around her, wary of her condition. They helped her to her feet silently. Still aware that Eddie Miller - the osirion - was missing still.

Back in the Egyptian Duat (or after life if you prefer) Edison stood still in front of the wrath of anubis. This was the first time anyone had spoke on this epic journey. "Edison Miller, my last attempt to find my victim." Anubis states, walking closer to Edison.

"Actually, i go by Eddie if you don't mind." He replied cheekily.

"I will weigh your heart now edison." Anubis replied, putting emphasis on his name, not using his shortened and preferred version.

"Suit yourself." He replied.

Eddie collapsed to the hot floor in a drastic fashion. His heart was placed against the weight of truth, just like many previous victims of Anubis had before done. His heart was by far the heaviest of all of his friends. Anubis studied its weight carefully. It wasn't heavy enough to be the heart of the criminal. So the heart was replaced into Eddie and he was sent back to his wife and daughter. Then a thought hit Anubis. One of his own had betrayed him. Rufus Zeno. He was always a slippery sucker. Anubis ordered Ammit to devour his soul, which she did wit delight. Rufus shrieked a terrifying scream, bloodcurdling. He was then no more. Ma'at turned to not witness the horror of the second death, she was a truthful soul, content in her role to find the truth, only full of hate towards the punishment given to those unworthy to travel to the gates guarded by Osiris.

Anubis then turned to witness the faces of the others standing to his right, Arnold, Sankara and Victor senior, Ammit devoured their souls along with Rufus'. They wouldn't be a problem for Sibuna anymore.

Back home at Anubis house, Sibuna sat down together for dinner, it turned out that they were in the duat for what seemed like minuets but turned out to be 5 hours. Dying had made them hungry.

Three days later and everything was back to normal, there was no need for Sibuna, no one evil was after them all. Eddie and Patricia made up with ease and spent all three days with their daughter. Then, on a tuesday morning, all of Anubis house sat down for breakfast before school, all of them were back to school as normal after having the previous day off for a useful bank holiday monday. But Patricia couldn't hold down her breakfast. She ran to the bathroom, throwing up chunks into the toilet. She opened the cabinet above the sink and went into her make up bag, retrieving the stick. Positive. She was pregnant once again. This time with Eddie's baby. She smiled happily. Nothing could bring her down from her high. Or could there be something to ruin her mood?

Patricia's POV

Nope. Nothing could ruin my mood. Ever.

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