Vicious fight

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Jerome's POV

The new girl, Aquamarine, she seemed nice, she was extremely drop dead gorgeous of course which helped. Maybe i should go speak to her, yep, thats my plan.

I walked over to where Aqua was sitting, she was alone on the sofa, well until i came and sat next to her. "You look lonely" i said, sitting down with an eye brow raise.

"Thanks, it's Jerome right?" She asked, she actually remembered, awesome!

"Yeah thats me." I told her, somehow i felt instantly drawn to her, as if there was some force shoving us together, it was overwhelming, like she had some sort of hold on me. "How you liking Anubis house?"

"The house itself is...old...but i like the people." She said charmingly. Those eyes, i could look into them all day.

"I like the people in it two." Is love at first sight possible?

"Not disturbing anything am I?" Alfie asked, sitting on the coffee table opposite the sofa we were on.

"Not at all, you must be Alfie...right?" Aqua asked uneasily.

"Thats me." Alfie replied, there wasn't enough room for the three of us, i excused myself and left the sofa, walking over to Patricia.

Alfie's POV

thank god Jerome got the message and left, i needed to get to know Aqua. I quickly took Jerome's seat once he had left and went back to talking to Aqua, is it weird that i felt drawn to her? Like i had to talk to her? It felt like love.

Fabian's POV

After Alfie spent a lifetime talking to Aqua, i decided it was my turn, i sat down in Alfie's place, even if he was just going for a drink. "I'm Fabian." I told her awkwardly offering my hand which she took sweetly, despite it being sweaty. Really smooth Rutter!

"I remembered." She said, her beautiful eyes catching the sunlight and glistening brightly, i was surrounded by her, i would do anything for her. She was perfect.

Then alfie came back.

"What are you doing?" He asked angrily.

"Just talking to Aqua. Got a problem with that?" I retorted. This wasn't me.

"Yeah i have!" Then he threw the first punch, and i gave him one back, until Aqua shoved us apart, a hand on each of our chests.

"Stop fighting please." She asked us kindly. We did. "Do they do this often?' She asked Eddie, who had come to help us apart.

"Never, neither of them are violent." He told her.

What was going on?

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