Going nowhere

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Eddie's POV

After standing in the doorway like a buffoon for what seemed like hours, i eventually collected my words and out came a very stuttered and awkward "wow." then out came "stunning" followed by a lot of other words to describe Patricia, including "gorgeous" and "beautiful." then after several minutes of embarresing myself once again but this time with words, i formed an actual sentance "you, you look, uh, you look wow! These, this, its for you." i handed her the red rose while stumbling over my ridiculas words, but i was caught off gaurd, Patricia looked drop dead gorgeous and much much more!

Patricia's POV

He handed me the rose stumbling out awkward words that were so sweet! Maybe he did think i was pretty enough to be his girlfriend. Who knows, maybe i even was, though i doubt it, im nothing special.

I grabbed his hand that was slightly sweaty and walked out of the door and down the stairs, i stopped at the bottom and turned to Eddie. "You okay?" i asked him.

"yeah, you just look amazing tonight, guess i realised you were out of my league!" he said nervously as i scoffed a laugh.

"i believe that YOU are out of MY league idiot." i told him.

"nope." he replied and i smiled. He was perfect.

"so, where are you taking me?" i asked changing the subject.

"nowhere." i frowned slightly, what did he mean nowhere? "follow me." he said pulling me into the front room where the dining table sat with a black table cloth covering the old wood, three tall candles stood proud in the middle of the table, all of the chairs had been removed except two that were opposite each other either side of the table. Sheer white silk hung on the walls enclosing the table from the kitchen and front room engulfing the table in white, delicate dim lights hung with the cloth and gave the perfect amount of light. "wow." this time i was speechless, stood in awe at the room. "its perfect." i said looking a Eddie.

"not as perfect as you." i could feel a blush escape me and i couldnt help but smile.

"may i shown you to your table?" Jerome asked gliding through the white from the kitchen, he was wearing a black shirt and black trousers with a white tie, red waistcoat and white waiters apron. I wonder how Eddie had managed that one, Jerome wouldnt just help Eddie for no reason. He guided us to the table and pulled the chair out on the side nearest the kitchen for me to sit down. "I am Jerome and I will be your waiter for this evening, Chef Alfie and his assistant Fabian will be serving the first course in 15 minutes." Jerome said handing us menus saying what we would be eating. Wow, Eddie had gone to a lot of effort for this date. Jerome left into the kitchen and i looked at Eddie for an explanation.

"I know how much you hate restaurants, i thought this might be exceptable." He explained

"its perfect thank you slimeball." i said "its a relief, i thought we would either be going to a horrific restaurant or eating hoagies and pancakes in your room. I like this." i told him honestly.

"good Yacker, that was my aim."

Bound to you. (a Peddie story)Where stories live. Discover now