The ultrasound

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Eddie's POV

"Hurry up Yacker!" I shouted to my fiancé who was changing upstairs. We were going to be late at this rate. "WE ARE GUNNA BE LATE!" I shouted up louder. Today was the 20th week of Patricia's pregnancy, meaning it was ultrasound time! Not only that but we also found out the gender, which i was dying to know.

"I'm here, keep your wig on!"she said hurrying down the stairs.

"Wow Patricia, slow down!" i told her, what if she tripped and fell? She would loose the baby! I didn't want that to happen.

"First you shout hurry up then you tell me to slow down? Make up your mind!"

"I would rather be late with a baby then on time with you maybe loosing him or her!" Patricia looked obviously pregnant now, her belly stuck out in a round shape and made her clothes fit tight, she had started wearing my old joggers everywhere as they were the only thing comfy around her and she had no trousers that fit. She wore her tops as the just about fit but usually sleeps on one of mine. We really needed to shop for some maternity clothes. At school she was allowed to wear any white top as her shirts didn't fit her anymore and they didn't do any other sizes to fit her. She was putting on a brave face but i could see she was starting to get annoyed with that growing belly of hers. My dad picked us up from the house and took us to the hospital.

Patricia's POV

"do you want to know the sex?" the kind ultrasound lady asked us

"Yes!" Eddie answered quickly.

"Someone's eager." she said.

"Yes we do want to know the sex." i translated.

"Well Miss Williamson, you are carrying a beautiful baby girl!"

The smile on Eddie's face was huge and i'm sure mine matched his.

"I will give you two a minute, i will leave the ultrasound up on the screen."

I was sat on the bed with Eddie stood beside me our hand entwined. We were looking at the ultrasound in silence, clear as day we could see our daughter. The feeling was overwhelming.

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