Meeting the Millers

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Patricia's POV

It had been a month and a half since i got pregnant, i had a cute little bump forming, it was unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. We hadn't told Anubis house yet, we didn't know how to tell them, but we would worry about that later. Right now we were preparing for a visit from Eddie's mom, sister and nana, who caught the first flight they could get on to England when we told them i was pregnant over video chat, they seemed to like me, i think Eddie's nana must realise our feeling for each other since i am the one wearing her necklace. They were due any minute now and knew not to mention the baby in front of anybody. My parents and Jerome's mum (who i wished was my mum) Beth knew i was pregnant to, my parents didn't really care, they never did care about me, it was always piper this piper that, there was no love for me from those workaholics. Beth was stuck at work for a while, she told me she would visit nearer the due date but i was to keep her updated, my most recent update to her was last night when i told her i booked a paternity test on my unborn child to tell us the father, my appointment was in 4 weeks time, i would be 10 weeks pregnant then, the right time to have a paternity test. Eddie was so supportive, but a little bit obsessive, he didn't want me doing anything for myself, meaning that he was running around after me, raising suspicion from the other house mates. I had started wearing slightly more baggy clothes, trying not to show off the bump, although i was going to have to tell everyone sooner or later, pregnancy was one thing impossible to hide from the people you live with. As for the engagement, everyone knew about that, in fact they all knew before i did and Joy and amber had helped Eddie buy the perfect ring, it was simple and very much my style, it was a ruby all alone on a gold ring, it was perfect. Eddie had gotten out of hospital a week ago and although the stab wound is still tender and painful sometimes, he was pretty much back to his normal annoyingly charming self. Finally the doorbell rang loudly and Eddie jumped to get the door, i stood up, walking slowly into the entrance hall to find Eddie wrapped in a big hug with his mum, sister and nana, three women who he loved a lot.

"Nana, mum, Macey, this is Patricia." He said bringing me closer to him.

"The girl who wears my locket." His nana addressed me. "I've been waiting for too long to meet you. Welcome to the family Patricia." She pulled me into a giant hug, her frail looking arms wrapped tightly around me, even in old age you could tell she was beautiful, she had let her hair go naturally grey though some blonde strands did still scatter around her bob, she looked healthy and fit, a strong independent women, she was 70 years of age according to Eddie, her name was Hazel. "Your family now so don't get calling me Hazel, i want you to call me nana." she told me firmly.

"Okay nana" she backed away, revealing Eddie's mum, Sandra, or Sandy for short. "Same with me, just call me mum." she said. She obviously was the cause of Eddie's good looks, her blonde hair fell to her shoulders in a wave of gold, she was tanned like her mother with eyes the same as Eddies.

Next came Macey who was in Eddie's arms. "that must make you Macey." i said to her.

"Yep, thats me." she replied sweetly in her american accent. She was the splitting image of Eddie, just in a younger girl form, it was kind of creepy in way how alike they looked. It was more cute though.

We introduced them to the rest of Anubis house then took their luggage to Mr Sweets house where they would be staying for the night, ready to catch a plane back to america tomorrow, they literally just came to meet me.

The time we had with them went so fast then it was time for them to go, they really made me feel part of the family, I couldnt wait to become a Miller. Patricia Miller - that sounded quite good to me.

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