Perfect date

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Patricia's POV

"Wow, Eddie." I said not taking my eyes off of our date venue. "It's perfect." i turned to look at him while he smirked cockily at me. "I mean, it will do, you could have put at least some effort into it!" i looked back at our date, we were stood in the doorway of Eddie's room, he had laid out a blanket in the centre of the room and lit a candle in the middle of it. The lights were off so the only light was from the candle and the glow of the moon from the open window.

"I knew you'd like it, though you better start liking restaurants cause im runnig out of ideas" he said as he led me to the blanket, i sat down willingly and Eddie sat opposite me smiling. This was simple but effective, Eddie knew me so well! "I'm gonna go get dinner." He told me as he stood back up and left the room, returning quickly with two plates in hand. He placed the plates down, one im front of me, it was a hoagie, at least he put the effort into making it himself. I laughed at the sight of the american sandwich that looked disgusting but i know from experience tasted great!

"You actually made me dinner." i observed smiling at the thought of Eddie cooking.

"Yeah, course i did yacker." we ate the hoagies in silence, a comfortable silence. Then once we had ate, conversation struck. "So, i know i probably shouldn't mention it on our date but what is it with you and this Rufus guy? i know he kidnapped you and tried to rape you, but it seems so much more than that." Silence again. "Sorry, i shouldn't have asked, you obviously dont wanna tell me." he stood up slowly. "I'm gunna go get dessert." he said leaving the room. I nodded slightly, should i tell him? He deserved to know, he was my boyfriend after all, should i tell him the truth? Or leave him with the half story? So many questions ran through my brain with not enough answers.

Eddie soon returned with a stack of pancakes on a plate with whipped cream and syrup, the only other thing he knew how to make, i smiled at the familiarity of the food, typical Eddie. The words gushed out of me before he had even sat down. "Eddie. I lied, Rufus raped me, he was obsessed with me, he always has been and always will be." he sat down with a thud, not knowing what to say.

Eddie's POV

"...Rufus raped me..." the rest drowned out, he raped her! I sat down with a thud, i didn't know what to say or what to do. I wanted to wrap Patricia in my arms and never let go, i wanted to tell her i would never let him hurt her, I wanted to shout at her that she should have been honest with me from the start, i wanted to punch the wall in and pretend it was Rufus, i wanted to bring him back from the dead so i could kill the little mother fucker myself for even wanting to hurt Patricia, i wanted to do so much, i wanted to say so much, so many emotions ran through me, anger, pain, protectiveness, realisation, despair, sorrow, love, hate, i didnt know what to do, so i looked Patricia in the eyes, she was still, quiet, predicting my response. Love took over hate. "I love you so much Patrica, he won't ever hurt you again, i promise!" i said as I grabbed her into my arms and squeezed tight, she was never leaving my sight, i would make sure she was okay, if it was the last thing i did. Although I hope it wasn't going to be.

"I love you too." She said as she squeezed back. She turned her face to look at me, we were still lay on the blanket i had put out. "I love you a lot!" she repeated kissing me softly on the lips. "I'm ready." she whispered in my ears and kissing me again.

"Are you sure your ready Patricia?"


I led her over to my bed, lucky that Fabian was sleeping in Nina's room tonight. It was the best night of my life.

Fabian's POV

Nina led me over to her bed for the first time ever as she kissed me sweetly. We were lucky Amber was sleeping in Alfies room tonight.

Alfie's POV

Amber led me to my bed like she had so many times before. I was goddamn lucky Jerome was sleeping elsewhere tonight!

Mara's POV

Jerome led me over to my bed like he had the night before kissing my neck gently, i am so lucky Joy was taking one for the team and sleeping on the sofa tonight, she was such a good friend.

Joy's POV

they owe me! I hate sleeping on the sofa. I need my own room, that would be cool!

Patricia's POV

I forgot all about Rufus that night, i loved Eddie so much, it was the best night of my life.

A/N - hope you guys liked me adding the other couples in there at the end, i thought i should bring them into it. Please vote and comment and follow, it means a lot! :D thanks for reading!!!!!!

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