Chapter One: First Day

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I put my mascara over my eye lashes and smile. I put my school uniform on which is a white blouse and a navy skirt, I don't understand why we have to wear it to a public school, and in London where it's freezing. At least they don't care about make up and hair. I look in the mirror and feel like I'm looking at a stranger. My normally blonde curly hair has been dyed dark brown and straightened. My eyes are able to be seen now since I had laser surgery on them so I didn't have to wear glasses anymore. My body is now curvy and slim, my stomach flat for once. I used to be chubby and geeky throughout all my years of school, getting consistent straight A's, but getting bullied everyday. But not this year. This year I am a new Sam Stevens. Hopefully the changes will get people off my back. I grab my bag and walk down stairs and see my cousin Niall laying on the couch still in his Pjs.

"Niall we have to get going we will be late." I say folding my arms.

"Chill little cousin, it takes me like two seconds to put on the stupid uniform." He replies standing up.

"Well we only have two minutes so, chop chop." I say clapping my hands twice.

"What are you wearing?" He asks and I know he is talking about my makeup.

"My uniform." I respond.

"On your face." He sighs.

"Just a bit of makeup." I reply.

"Any more and you will look like a slut." Niall replies shrugging his shoulders. I slap his arm and he smiles at me.

"Niall get ready, and stop picking on your cousin." My uncle Bobby says. "What are you wearing?" He asks me.

"Have you two not seen make up before? geez." I say grabbing an apple and some crackers for lunch.

"Ok I'm ready lets go." Niall says grabbing his wallet.

"You haven't even buttoned up your shirt and your hair is a mess." I say looking him up and down shaking my head.

"Do you want to be late or not?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"At least just button up your top." I say as we walk to the door. I put my hands through his hair to make it neat. He hits my hand away and goes to mess up my hair but I run to the car.

"Bye guys." Uncle bobby yells from the door.

"Bye." I wave and get in the car and into the warmth. We drive towards our school and I feel my stomach twist and turn and I start feeling sick.

"You're so fat!" "Eww look at those glasses!" "Her cankles nearly make her belly look slim." "Stupid nerd is crying? What a baby!"

"Sam!" Niall shouts shaking me.

"What?" I ask my voice sounding shaky and small.

"Are you ok? If you can't handle going to school we can wag." He says looking down at me.

"No, but I'll be fine." I reply.

"Well if you want to go at anytime just tell me and we will leave." He tells me looking at me.

"I should be fine but thanks." I say giving him a small smile.

"Well we are at the hell hole... why do we have to be here so early?" Niall complains.

"I have to catch up with Laura." I reply with a smile.

"You saw her yesterday." He sighs getting out the car and I follow him.

"But she hasn't seen my new hair." I reply flicking my hair over my shoulder and he rolls his eyes and smiles.

"I'll see you later Niall." I smile giving him a hug and walking to where Laura and I sit. I see she isn't here yet and I pull out my phone.

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