Chapter Two: Second Day

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"Sam, hey I'm sorry for Harry." Niall says walking into my room. I put down my Romeo and Juliet book and look over at Niall.

"It's fine, it had to end at some point." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"But he didn't have to call you what you did." Niall replies sitting next to me on my bed.

"Niall it's fine." I reassure him.

"You know you're not fat right?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I know." I say. I'm not actually that upset about Harry and Liam knowing who I am I'm just scared of school tomorrow.

"I also asked if they wouldn't tell anyone." He tells me.

"Niall... people are bound to find out anyway, it doesn't matter." I respond. "But thank you."

"Anything for my little cousin." He smiles giving me a hug.

"I love you Ni." I smile kissing his cheek.

"I love you too Sam." He replies kissing the top of my head. "Now get some sleep." He stands up and walks out the room turning my light off. My phone vibrates and I pick it up.

Hey, Sammantha its Jake, I'm having a party Friday hope you can be there.

I'll see what I can do :)

Ok I've got to sleep, Goodnight, see you at school tomorrow

Goodnight, see you tomorrow.

I turn my phone off and lay on my bed. I pull the covers up to my chin and close my eyes.


I walk into school and there are less eyes on me today which makes me feel a lot better. I walk over to Laura and sit next to her.

"Hi, you ok?" She asks.

"Yeah I'm great... Have you heard about this party on Friday?" I ask her.

"At Jakes? Yeah." She nods her head.

"Were you going to go?" I ask trying to sound nonchalant.

"Sam want a taste of the party life?" She laughs. "Why not, I've got nothing else to do Friday night."

"I'm excited." I smile.

"Are you going to tell Niall?" She asks.

"Maybe... Most likely, not." I reply laughing.

"Look whose going into her rebellious stage." Laura laughs.

"I'm not going into a rebellious stage, I'm just wanting to try new experiences." I respond with a smirk.

"Rebelling." She sings as the bell rings.

We walk into the building and make our way to our lockers. I get out my English books. Im so over Romeo and Juliet already and it's only the second day. I wave goodbye to Laura and make my way to my English class. I sit in my seat at the back and rest my head on the window. I look out it and see the grey clouds. I look back to my table and open up my book. I'm already half way through the book. the quicker I read it the better.

"Ok class I'm going to give you your assignment for the book." Mrs Lynn tells us as she walks into the class making me look up from the book. Lots of moans and groans escape from students mouths.

"But we only started yesterday." Someone whines.

"You only have a few months left of school so expect lots of assignments from all your other classes, you are all in year twelve this is your last year of this." Mrs Lynn tells us.

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