Chapter twenty-six: The Father is Who?

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***Two Week Later***

I walk into Laura's house and walk up to her room and see her crying as she holds one of her teddies. Her moods wings have been really dramatic. I pass her some ice cream and she opens it up and stops crying.

"Have you heard from Louis yet?" She asks and I shake my head.

I haven't heard from Louis since I told him I loved him and I'm getting really worried. I've called him many times and even called the boys and none of them have answered.

"I'm sure he is okay." Laura says.

"I really hope he is." I reply.

"I know, instead of being cooped up in here all day we should go to his house." She says.

"I don't think being in that house would be good for the baby." I tell her.

"I can stay in the car." She replies.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to see me." I reply and she rolls her eyes and gets up.

"That is impossible." She tells me and pulls me up. "Plus I need a name." She says and we walk out her house.

I park out the front of Louis' house and I can't stop myself from shaking. What if he has just been ignoring me all this time? Or if he actually didn't make it from his last job.

I shake the thought away and Laura squeezes my hand.

"Go on." She says.

"I will be back soon." I tell her and she nods her head. I get out the car and walk closer to the house. It feels like I am not making any progress at all. I finally reach the door and stare at it. I knock on it as I open it up and I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. I walk into the house and see Liam.

"Sam what are you doing here?" Liam asks blocking my path.

"Where is Louis?" I ask.

"Sam..." He starts and I push past him. I walk to his room and see Louis asleep on his bed. I walk over to him and see he has a bloody bandage on. I feel my eyes water and I turn my head and see Niall.

"What happened?" I ask.

"He was shot." Niall says.

"Why the hell isn't he in hospital?" I ask.

"Sammy." Louis weakly says and I look over at him and he smiles. I hug him tightly and he winces. He runs his hand through my hair and kisses my cheek. "I'm okay baby." He whispers and I wipe my eyes and look at him.

"No you aren't you were shot." I tell him and he wipes me eyes and kisses my lips. I kiss him back and I feel more tears slip down my cheek. "Why aren't you in hospital?" I ask.

"Because they will want to know what happened and I would most likely go to jail." He replies. "I've missed you." He smiles.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask and he points to the door. I see Niall and he looks at his feet.

"He didn't want to worry you, and neither did I." He tells me and pulls me so I am on the bed next to him. He slightly winces and he kisses my forehead.

"I thought you were ignoring me, or trying to tell me you didn't want to see me... And then I thought you died." I tell him.

"I tried to see you that night, but I couldn't climb the tree and the boys kept pulling me back into the car." He tells me.

"I was with Laura anyway." I sigh. "Oh shit she is in the car." I sit up and look over at Niall.

"Hey Niall can you please give us some privacy?" Louis asks and Niall leaves and shuts the door.

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