Chapter Fourteen: The Letter

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***A Few Days Later***

I walk into the house and Niall already bombards me with questions of where I've been and apologies. I'm not even sure what he is apologising for, but I really am not in the mood to talk to him. I walk to my room ignoring him and closing the door. I see I have mail on my bed but put it on my desk to look at it tomorrow. I already know it's just my phone bill and some other random mail I usual get. I get out of my clothes and into my pjs. I crawl into bed and dread tomorrow.

Not just because it's school and it will be the first day I've been back since Niall told everyone who I really was. But also because Niall thought it was a brilliant idea to throw a Halloween party at our house. The fact that we are having a party on a school night surprises me. But Maura and Bobby are in Ireland.

I've missed the last few days of school due to my really extreme mood swings.

Laura has come around telling me she misses me and telling me all the gossip. However I know she is missing out on all the stuff about me.

Marcel came over once with a few books for me to read and we talked about school work. We talk a little about other things and I get an impression that he has the hots for Laura.

I hear a tap on my balcony snapping me back into reality and I see Louis walking into my room. His hand is bruised and a bit cut up and his face is slightly cut up.

"I thought you died or something." Louis tells me and I give him a small smile.

"Well I seem to be a lot better than you look." I reply and he has a little chuckle and looks at his hand. I get off my bed and walk over to him.

"I'm fine." He says slightly tensing as I touch his hand.

"What is it with you and getting into fist fights?" I ask leading him to my desk chair and letting him sit down as I walk over to my bed and grab a first aid kit from underneath it.

"Well sometimes it's the only way to get people to do what you want." Louis says and I frown. It wasn't really the answer I was expecting but then again I don't really know the answer I expected.

I open up the first aid kit and put some antibacterial stuff on his cuts and a little bandage for his hand.

"Why do you have this stuff in your room?" Louis asks confused and I stand frozen for a bit.

"So I don't have to leave my room if you walk in with cuts and bruises." I reply and he studies my face before he shrugs. I slightly relax and put my first aid kit away. "So what was your fight about?" I ask.

"Ahh you know someone pissed me off so." Louis says and I sit on the desk.

"Well they did a pretty good job at you." I tell him.

"They look worse, trust me." Louis says with a smile. I give him a weak smile and he leans back on the chair. "So are you at school tomorrow?" Louis asks.

"Sadly yes." I reply.

"It shouldn't be too bad." Louis says and I chuckle.

"Right, because the messages I'm still receiving are just jokes." I say and he rubs his eyes. "It's bad at school isn't it?" I ask and Louis looks at me.

"I'm not going to lie, it's not good." He says and I sigh.

"Great." I frown.


I wake up and get changed into a grey hoody and some baggy pants. I put a bit of makeup on and don't worry about my hair. I look down at my mail and see they are just some random bills and stuff minus one that has my name hand written, I look at the back and see it has no returner address. I frown at it as I look at my clock and see I'm nearly late for school. I shove the note into my bag and walk down the stairs and see a note on the bench from Niall telling me that he left really early and I will have to walk to school. I walk out the house locking it up and quickly making my way to school. Luckily it's actually not too far.

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