Chapter twenty-five: Whoops

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I sit down in my closet and put my earphones in and start studying. I'm actually motivated to study. I grab my human bio book and start revising like crazy. I can't afford to fail any more tests.

I allow myself to zone out of the world and focus on my study.


"Sammantha." Someone says taking my earphones out and I look up and see Claudia.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Dinner." She says and I take my other earphone out. I get up and she looks at me. "Dinner is served normally out of any work clothes." She says.

"That would just make more washing." I respond.

"Don't mind that, now clean up and get dressed, I'll meet you down stairs when you're done." She says and walks out. I put on some sweatpants and a jumper and walk downstairs to Claudia. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk over to it. I open it up and see Louis. I smile when I see him and he steps in and looks around. I walk over to him and he kisses my lips.

"Nice house." He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"This way you two." Claudia says to us and I look over at her. We follow her through the house and she opens the door for the dining room and my eyes widen. It's huge. The table is one of those really long ones that could fit like over 50 people on it. We walk to the vacant seats and I see my 'family'. They are wearing nice clothes making me feel really out of place.

"Sammantha." The woman says with a fake warm smile. She looks over at Louis and I can see her judgemental look. What a bitch.

"Louis." Louis says.

"I'm Jeremy, this is my wife Clarissa and my daughter Georgina." Jeremy says.

"Georgina will be starting your school tomorrow." Clarissa says.

Louis and I sit down silently and I feel incredibly awkward. I feel Louis' hand on my thigh. I look at the plate in front of me and I run my hand over Louis'.


This whole dinner has been terrible. The whole time they have been talking about things they have done together and all their accomplishments of the day, week, year, who knows. Then they have just been talking about Georgina's incredible upbringing.

All I've wanted to do is ask why the hell they left me with my Aunty and uncle.

"So tell us about you?" My Aunty says.

"Nothing to tell." I say.

"I'm sure there is." Jeremy

"Sorry to interrupt but the phone is for you Jeremy." Claudia says.

"Oh yes, I'll be right there." He says standing up.

"Well I think it's time for my bath." Clarissa says getting up too and leaving.

"Can you get me some pot?" Georgia says and I look at her slightly shocked. "I'm starting to run out." 

"Do your parents know you smoke pot?" I ask her and she chuckles.

"Of course not, if they did they would send me away or leave me like they did you." She says and I raise my eyebrows. "So can you get me some?" She asks Louis.

"Even if I could I wouldn't." Louis says.

"Why not?" She asks folding her arms.

"Because you're a fucking bitch." He replies his voice neutral. "Now." He says getting up and puts his hand out for me.

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