Chapter Eighteen: 17th Birthday

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"Happy birthday baby." Louis whispers in my ear and kisses my temple. I roll over and burry my face in my pillow. His hand gently lays on my waist and I can feel him staring at me.

"I have to lock that freaking door." I say and look over at Louis. He smiles down at me and runs his hand through his hair.

"How you feeling today?" Louis asks.

"Eh." I reply. I still feel sick and disgusted by the whole Harry incident.

"Alright, now come on get dressed." Louis says.

"No I want to sleep." I tell him.

"You only have your birthday once a year." Louis says.

"And as my birthday wish I want to sleep." I tell him.

"Well I don't care." He says and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Louis what are you doing." I squeal.

"Breakfast." He says and he puts me down as we get into the kitchen. He kisses my cheek and grabs a plate.

"Where is my family?" I ask.

"Here." Niall says and I look at him startled as he walks through the door. "Happy birthday." He says giving me a hug. I haven't actually hugged Niall since before I found out about my parents. I rest my head on his chest and hug him back.

"I've missed you." I whisper to him.

"I'm so sorry." He whispers back and I sigh.

"I know." I say and he kisses my forehead.

"Did mum and dad tell you about your birthday dinner?" Niall asks pulling away and sitting on the bench.

"What birthday dinner?" I ask.

"Take that as a no, but it's at 8." He says.

"I have plans." I tell him.

"Well plans or not my parents aren't going to let you miss tonight." He says.

"Pancakes?" Louis asks before I can make a snide comment. Louis puts the plate down in front of me and I see the pancake has a smilie face. I look up at Louis smiling and he gives me a small smile.

"I didn't know you could cook." Niall says and Louis looks away from me to Niall.

"I can't really but my pancakes are quiet spectacular." He says and looks at me. "So if you don't eat it you will make me very sad."

"I'm not hungry." I tell him.

"Sammy." Louis says raising an eyebrow.

"Louis." I mock back.

"You haven't eaten since Thursday." Louis says.

"I haven't been hungry." I reply.

"You can die if you don't eat." Niall says.

"Yes if you haven't eaten for three week." I reply.

"Eat." Louis says as the phone ring. I quickly get off the seat and make my way to the phone.

"Hello." I say and hear my grandparents singing happy birthday.


"I have to go." I say as I hang up the phone.

"You still haven't eaten." Louis says.

"Still not hungry." I reply to him.

"Sammantha, eat some food before you faint." Louis says.

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