Chapter Eleven: Work

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I walk out of my room and walk downstairs to the kitchen where Niall and Uncle bobby are. I give them both a small smile and grab an apple before walking out the room.

"Sam wait." Niall says and catches up to me, it's not like it was very hard to catch up with me when I had taken like three steps out the kitchen.

"What?" I ask him.

"I'm so sorry for yesterday I don't know what came over me." Niall says and I look at him and we both know why he acted like that. "Okay yes I do know why I acted like that but I promise you I've stopped." Niall says.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Yes of course." He sighs and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and really wish he means this."So where did you go last night?" Niall asks.

"Just for a walk around and Louis somehow found me and gave me a lift home." I say slightly bending the truth.

"Then why's your hand bruised?" He asks.

I look down my hand and its bruised on my knuckles from when I punched the guy. It hurts a lot.

"I... I don't know." I lie.

"What actually happened last night?" Niall asks and I look at the clock and see I have to be at work in an hour.

"I just told you, I don't remember why my hand is like this but what I do know is I have to be at work soon." I remark back to him.

"I'll take you." He sighs and rubs his eye. I walk to my room and get changed into my Nandos outfit. I walk back to the lounge room and see Niall waiting for me.

"Ready?" I ask and he nods his head. We walk out the house and to his car and I turn the heat on full.

"Sam I really am sorry." Niall says.

"I know." I reply with a small smile. He drives down a couple of blocks to my work and stops the car. I look at the time and see I still have 10 minutes until I start.

"Do you need me to pick you up?" He asks.

"No I can walk." I reply.

"Sam, you know this area isn't very safe at night." Niall tells me.

"Yes I know, but I will be fine I have done it heaps of times." I remind him and get out the car. I walk into nandos and make my way into the staff area.

"Sammantha whats up?" Kim says and I smile at her.

"Nothing what about you?" I ask and she tells me all about her summer holiday and her first week at school.


"Okay see ya Kim." I smile and wave at her as I put on my jacket and grab my bag.

"Be safe." She replies and I walk out the door. It's not very long to walk home. There are two ways to get home from here, the long way which is going down a few roads and it's pretty safe. Or go through an alley way, which isn't as safe but it's a hell of a lot quicker.

I walk down the alley way and take my hair out of its bun and I massage my head. I put my earphones in and put on 'the city'. I walk down the alley way and see a few people. I walk slower and turn my music down so I can hear them better.

"Come on man, it was only a joke." A familiar voice says and I look at the person better and see Louis.

"For fucks sake." I mutter.

I watch as the guy takes a swing at Louis and he ducks.

"Going to have to do more than that." Louis replies and I can just imagine the smug smile on his face. I watch as the guy swings again and misses and Louis punches him. I watch as they go around punching each other until the guy is on the ground and Louis stumbles back. I quickly walk up to him and hold him up before he falls. He looks over at me and smiles.

"You look terrible." I tell him.

"You still think I'm hot." He replies and I roll my eyes.

"Come on lets get you cleaned up." I say and we start walking.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Louis asks.

"I'm walking home." I reply.

"Down here, you know its not safe." He says as we reach my house.

"Clearly." I reply.

I open the door and make my way quietly into the down stairs bathroom. I lead Louis onto the bath edge and grab some things to wipe away some blood. I wipe away the blood from his lip and try not to get the wipe caught on his lip ring.

"You shouldn't wear a lip ring if you are planning on getting in a fight." I tell him.

"Ill take my chances." He replies.

"This is the second time in two days you've been punched in the face." I tell him.

"It seems to be a good way to get you're attention." He replies smiling. I turn away from him and put some ice on his eye.

"You're going to look like a punching bag tomorrow." I say. He takes the ice off his face and puts a hand on my hip and pulls me into him. "What are you doing?" I ask. He stands up and I look up at him. He bends his head and I step back.

"Don't tell me you don't want this." He says and I stand with my back against the sink.

"Louis we shouldn't." I tell him.

"Doesn't mean we can't." He replies and kisses my lips. I close my eyes and kiss him back. He picks me up and I sit on the counter. I run my hands over his chest and arms. His hand runs up my leg and I pull away. I wipe the blood off his lip.

"You've gotten better at this I must say." Louis says.

"You should really get going." I tell him and he looks at me confused. "I can't do this with you Louis." I say.

"Sure whatever." He says and storms out the room. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. I walk out the bathroom and to my room.

"Sam." Niall says as I reach my door. "What took you so long?" He asks.

"I just got caught up." I reply and walk into my room.


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