Chapter Twenty-three: New House to Call Home

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I pull into the driveway of where I'm meant to be living and just stare at the house. It's huge. Like huge. It's two stories but it's so wide. I don't understand why someone needs a house this big. I wipe my eyes and get out the car. I grab my bag and walk up to the door. Even the door looks expensive. I look around the door and see a doorbell. I press it and after a few minutes a random woman opens the door. She is in her late 30s and is wearing her strawberry blonde hair in a bun.

"Hello." She says.

"Hi, is this where the Stevens live?" I ask.

"Yes, and you are?" She asks.

"Umm Sammantha, the child that was given to Bobby and Maura." I reply.

"Oh, we weren't expecting you today, I'm Claudia, one of the maids." She says. They have a maid! They have more than one maid?! "Come in." She says opening the door.

"Thanks." I reply walking in.

"Let me take your bags, I'll take them to your room, your father is in his study, your sister is in the music room and your mother is in the gym." She tells me.

"Wow, all that is in this house?" I ask.

"Yes." She replies.

"Wow, umm can you just take me to my room?" I ask.

"Sure." She smiles and leads me through the house. We walk up the stairs and keep walking through the house. It's like a maze. We reach a door and she opens it up and she walks in and puts my bag down. The walls are bare and there are boxes everywhere.

"Thanks." I say with a small smile.

"Need anything else?" She asks.

"No thanks." I reply and she leaves. I close the door and walk around my room. This room is twice the size of my one at my uncles. I walk to the window and look out and see the sun setting. I sit down on my bed and look around. It's so strange. It feels really strange. I don't like it at all. I walk back to my window and open it and look up. If I really wanted to I could climb up on to the roof. I look around and see a tree. Louis could easily climb up, he would have to walk along the side of the roof for a little bit before he reached my window. I close and lock my window and sit down on my bed. I feel my eyes water up and I lay my head on the pillow and cry.


I hear a knock on my door and I pull my sleeve down and wipe my eyes. I walk to the door and open it up and see Claudia.

"Dinner is ready." She smiles.

"I'm not hungry, but thanks." I reply.

"Your family requested you to join them." She responds.

"Maybe another time, I'm just going to go to bed." I tell her.

"I'll give you a tour of the house tomorrow then." She smiles.

"Thanks." I reply. I like her. She seems really nice. She walks away and I close the door. I pick up my phone and see Niall, Laura and An unknown number have messaged me. I'm very confused on how An unknown number got my number and why they are messaging me. I ignore the message and open up Niall's one.

Just found out you're at your parents house... I was planning on going with you so you didn't have to be alone.

I wipe my eyes, Niall's so cute. I open up Laura's next and tuck some hair behind my ear.

Niall just told me you are now living with your parents?! Send me the address pronto.

I click on the unknown number and frown.

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