Chapter Seventeen: Damsel in Distress

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I finish another terrible day at school and make my way to work. School feels like it's gotten worse. Laura made the party an open group so who knows how many people are coming that I don't know of. I swear people hate me more as well. Louis stopped coming over my house and I haven't seen him at school for a few days, I don't know if something is wrong or if he is just going through drastic lengths to avoid me. Laura has apparently found me a date for my birthday even though I don't want one. And I'm sure Louis wouldn't be too happy with me with another guy. Even though maybe he won't even be there or care.

I turn a corner and someone pushes me up against the wall. I look up and see Harry and try to push him off me. His hands are firmly on my waist and his body is pressed against mine. He smells of tobacco and alcohol. The smell alone makes me want to vomit.

"Harry get off me." I say.

"But baby the fun is just starting." He tells me and starts kissing my lips. It feels like poison, nothing nice about it. I continue to try and push him away and get away from him but it's no use. His grip is too tight and I'm not the strongest person. His hands move over my body feeling me up and I feel tears fall down my cheek.

"Get off me." I scream. His hand slips up my skirt and I start hitting his chest harder. He starts kissing down my neck and his hand goes over my mouth to muffle my screaming. I bite his hand and knee him in the balls and he steps back and slaps me across the face hard making me fall to the ground hard.

"You fat, disgusting whore." He spits at me and walks off. I pull my legs up to my chest and cry into my knees.


I've been sitting in the same spot for over an hour. I missed my shift. My clothes are ruined and I feel so disgusting and so violated. I haven't stopped crying, my eyes sting so much and my throat is so dry. My face hurts as well from where he slapped me.

I feel a hand on my knee and jump and move away. I look up and see Louis and start crying harder. He reaches out for me again and I flinch. It's not that I don't want Louis to touch me, because that's the only thing I want. I want to be in his arms and to feel his warmth. But I can't get the thought of Harry's hands all over me.

Louis hands me his jacket and I drape it over my shoulders. I hadn't realised how cold I was until just then. His jacket smells like him. Cigarettes, mint and aftershave.

"Baby what happened?" Louis voice says softly. I shake my head and sniff. "Come on left me get you out of here." Louis whispers and I allow him to pick me up.

I rest my head on his chest as he carries me. I see his car and let out a sigh. I'm so glad he didn't bring his motorcycle. He places me in the passenger seat and closes the door. I feel myself start to panic and start breathing harder. I hear the door for the drivers side open and I start crying again. Louis' hand runs over mine gently.

"Have something to drink." Louis says handing me a bottle. I take the bottle and take a sip. "Now do you want to go home?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Can we go some place quiet and with no people?" I ask, my voice sounding soft and brittle.

"Of course... Did you want to get changed?" Louis asks and I look down at my clothes and see they are slightly ripped. I look at my clothes and run my hands over the fabric as tears slip down my cheek. I see Louis reaching to the back seat and hands me one of his tops and pants. I put the clothes on over my uniform and pull my uniform off from under the clothes.

Louis starts the car up and starts driving. He turns the radio down and intertwines his fingers with mine. We don't say anything, Louis occasionally looks over at me but I keep my eyes set on the crack in the window. It's not big probably about the size of a 5 pence coin. The car stops and Louis cuts the engine but leaves the car on.

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