Chapter Ten: Pool

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I put away my homework and yawn. I'm so glad it's Friday night. I turn on my laptop and start scrolling through Twitter. I look at the 1975 page and scroll through. I log off Twitter and log into Facebook. I scroll through when an ad pops up.

Buy tickets to the 1975 in London here

I open a new tab and type in the 1975. Sure enough they have a few concerts in London. I quickly get up and run down stairs. I need to go.

"Uncle bobby." I yell and turn into the lounge where my Uncle Bobby, Aunty Maura and Niall.

"Yeah Sam." Uncle bobby says looking up at me.

"You know how the 1975 are having a concert here? Yeah well the tickets are on sale now and I was wondering if I could get one... I can use my own money to buy it and everything." I ramble.

"Who will you go with?" He asks.

"Laura." I quickly reply.

"Niall will you go with them?" Bobby asks.

"No." Niall replies and I frown.

"Why not?" I ask.

"If Niall isn't going then you aren't." Uncle bobby tells me.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say folding my arms.

"I'm sorry but it's not safe for two girls to go by themselves." Uncle bobby says getting up and walking out the room.

"What if I find a guy that will go?" I ask.

"What guy do you know? Marcel? It will be less safe for you with him." Niall says.

"Then why won't you go? and I know other guys."

"Because I don't want to watch a stupid band drink and smoke for two hours." He replies. "And what other guys do you know that would go with you?"

"Oh because you don't get high or drunk at all? You're fucking high right now." I whisper yell at Niall as he stands up and walks closer to me. "And Jake."

"Jake?" Niall scoffs.

"Niall we are going out. We went out last night." I tell him. Niall grips me tightly and I wince in pain.

"You said you were at Laura's." He growls.

"I was, for a little bit but then Jake took me out." I tell him and feel his grip tighten.

"You lying skank." Niall says pushing me away and storming upstairs. I look down at my wrists and see marks from Niall's hold. I pull down my sleeves and walk out the house slamming the door. I walk down the street. I don't even know where I am going but I need to get away from Niall. I wipe away some tears that have fallen and fold my arms to stay warm.

I hear a car drive past and my heart starts to beat faster. I watch as the tail lights drive off into the distance and let out a sigh. The sound of another car fills my ears and stops next to me making my heart beat faster.

"Sammy?" Louis says making me stop and turn.

"What?" I ask.

"What are you doing out here?" Louis asks getting out of his car.

"Going for a walk." I reply flatly.

"Right.." Louis says running his hand through his hair.

"Look I just wanted to get out of the house." I tell Louis and watch as he thinks about something.

"Well I have a pool game to get too." Louis says and I nod my head. "If you want to come you can... No one from school goes there so I'll be the only friendly face."

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