Chapter Twenty: Doncaster

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***A Week Later***

I walk down the stairs grabbing the last few things I need before Louis comes and we go to Doncaster. I am so excited. I still can't believe he got tickets to see my favourite band. I hear the doorbell ring and open it expecting Louis. I see three people, a woman around her late 30s and a man the same age with a girl who is about 15 or 16. The two older couple have blondie brown hair and blue eyes the girl looks a lot like them. They are wearing really nice clothes making me think of Laura and her family.

"Can I help you?" I ask annoyed. I still have to pack an now I'm wasting time on a random family.

"Is this the Horan residence." The man asks.

"Yes, now I repeat again, can I help you?"

"Does a girl named Sammantha live here?" They ask. I stiffen up slightly and look between them all. They don't look familiar at all.

"Look I am busy so I'll get Bobby." I say and call out to Bobby. I see him around the corner and I walk up to my room. I grab my things and hear Louis beep his horn. I put my shoes on and grab a jacket and beanie and run downstairs.

"Sam come here." Bobby says as I am about to open the door.

"Can it wait until Monday?" I yell from the door.

"Now." He says sternly and I walk to the lounge room where the three strangers are and Bobby, Maura and Niall are.

"What? I have to go." I say.

"Where are you going?" My Aunty asks.

"Doncaster with Louis, I told you this." I say.

"No you did not, I will not let you go anywhere with that boy." She replies.

"Bobby said I could go to the concert if I had someone looking after me, Niall said no... Louis is my boyfriend and honestly he is probably the best person to look after me." I say.

"Who is this Louis person?" The strange woman asks.

"Who are you?" I reply back annoyed.

"Sammantha, meet your parents." My uncle says. I look at the strangers confused and angry and then to my Aunty and uncle.

"I've got to go." I say grabbing my phone and walk to the door. I open it up and see Louis leaning against his car smoking.

"Sammantha you are not going." My uncle yells as all of them minus Niall get to the door.

"You aren't my father." I yell back and look at them. "And neither are you."I say to the man who apparently is my father. I turn back to Louis and he looks at my house and waves at them. He puts his smoke out and I walk up to him and kiss his lips. He tastes of tobacco. His hands wrap around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Should I ask?" He asks and I shake my head and peck his lips. He deepens the kiss and moves his hands down to my arse and slips his tongue in my mouth.

"We should go." I smile pulling away from him slightly.

"Okay." He smiles and grabs my bags. He throws them in the back and I get in the passenger seat. He gets in next to me and I plug my phone in. "Want to tell me what that was all about?" Louis asks as he has a chewy and drives off.

"Apparently that was my parents and my sister." I reply.

"Oh wow." Louis says and I nod my head as I put the 1975 on.

"Now by tomorrow night I'm expecting you to know all their songs off by heart." I say changing the subject.

"I basically know it off by heart they are the only band you really listen too." He says.

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