Chapter Seven: Niall

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"Sam?" Niall asks opening the door of my room. I close my book and sit up.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Good you're up!" He loudly says and jumps on the bed next to me.

"Niall it's only 8, of course I'm still up." I respond with a smile.

"Ok so tell me... Why are you so happy?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Why do you wanna know?" I respond.

"Is it because of Louis?" Niall asks and I sit up straighter.

"Definitely not." I reply.

"Oh good." He sighs and I watch him relax.

"Why do you think it was because of Louis?" I question. I've no idea why he thinks Louis made me that happy... He pisses me off sometimes.

"Well when I came home he was here and so were you and I just thought you know... You two were..." Niall says hinting that he though Louis and I were together.

"Eww, Niall, no of course not! He's your mate, and no." I reply shaking my head. "Don't you think I would of told you?"

"I suppose... Well I'm glad you aren't... Try not to get too close with him, I don't want him trying anything on you." Because he doesn't try anything on me now? I think in my head.

"Niall it's fine, I won't, I'm only hanging out with him because we have an assignment, once it's over I doubt we would even talk to each other." I reply.

"Ok... So why are you so happy then?" I'm not sure if I should tell Niall about my date or not. He is really protective over me, he is practically my brother.

"If you must know... The 1975 are playing in England in November." I partially lie. The band is playing in November and I really want to go, and I know I won't be, but I am excited they will be in the same city as me.

"You were that happy over a band?" Niall asks not sounding convinced.

"Yes, they are my favourite band!" I respond.

"Right..." Niall says and stands up.

"Hey Niall... Who's Zayn Malik?" I ask and watch as he stops and turns around. He looks like he is going to be sick, he is pretty pale.

"How do you know that name?" He asks his voice deep.

"When I was coming home from school Louis and I bumped into him." I reply pushing my hair back. "So who is he?"

"He's bad news ok? Promise me you won't ever hang out with him." Niall sternly tells me.

"I promise." I reply not really sure what's so bad about him. But if Niall doesn't want to go hang out with him then I won't... Even though I highly doubt we would ever see each other again. However that won't stop me from finding him on Facebook or finding out more about him.

"Ok, I'm going out, I'll be back later." Niall says and makes his way out my door. I pull out my laptop and turn it on. My door opens again and Niall returns with Louis following behind him. "We are just using your balcony and tree." Niall tells me and I nod. I watch as Louis looks around my room.

"Just don't wake me up when you sneak back in." I tell Niall.

"Never do." He replies and they both walk to my balcony.

"Louis, please just look after him." I tell Louis as I log onto Facebook.

"I will baby." Louis says and I look over at him and he smirks at me before he closes my balcony door and him and Niall both climb down my tree. It's not the first time either of them have sneaked out my room. Niall normally does it 3 times a week, sometimes with Louis or the other boys or just by himself. I turn on my Spotify and play my playlist, it's mainly The 1975 but there are other artists.

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