Chapter Eight: Shopping

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"That is the one." Laura exclaims and I look at her through the mirror.

"You said that about the last seven outfits I tried on." I tell her. I look at my reflection and slightly frown. I'm in a black skirt that sits on my hips and ends at my mid thigh and a top that only goes halfway down my torso.

"Niall would never let me leave the house in this." I explain and turn to her and Marcel. I feel slightly bad for him having to wait with us. But if I have to suffer he can suffer too.

"No he won't." Laura tells me.

"He will, I need something that isn't so... Skanky." I say to her.

"Fine I'll go looking again." She sighs and I walk back to the change rooms.

I take the clothes off and place them back on there coat hangers. I look at the mirror and look at the faint scars on my legs and on the sides of my torso. My body aches from walking around all day.

"Sam try this on." Laura tells me and throws an outfit over the door. I pull the outfit off the hanger and put it over my body. It fits perfectly. I step out of the dressing room and see Marcel laying on the couch with his eyes closed and Laura on her phone.

"Taadaa." I sing and spin around.

"That's defiantly the outfit." Laura exclaims clapping her hands together.

"Wow, that's... Wow." Marcel says and I smile widely at them.

"Ok now let's get food." I tell them and walk back to the change rooms.


We buy some more accessories for my outfit and Laura buys some shoes for herself and a few books for Marcel. Laura walks into another shop and Marcel and I both let out a sigh. Shopping is fine, I just don't like spending hours looking at things that cost over $50. Why would I spend over $10 for a shirt? I might spend $20 maximum for clothes depending on how much I actually like it. Shoes most likely more than that, but if I had to spend my money on something it would be on music and books, and maybe TV shows or movies.

"Hey look it's not Louis girl." A vaguely familiar voice says making me turn around. I am met by a pair of brown eyes. I instantly recognise the tattoos. Zayn. I look at him for a second and then start to turn back around. "So what's your name again?"

"I never told you." I reply.

"So are you going to tell me now Louis isn't here?" Zayn asks.

"I don't see how it's important." I respond and walk into the shop and try to look busy by looking at clothes, and maybe Zayn will get the hint.

"Well you know my name, and I don't know yours, it's only fair." Zayn explains, obviously not getting the hint. I don't answer him but just look at a black short skirt. "You should try it on baby." Zayn whispers into my ear making me shiver.

"I'm not your baby, now can you leave me alone... Don't you have a girlfriend or someone else to be with?" I ask putting the skirt back and turning to face him.

"Yes, but I would rather be with you." He responds.

"So obviously you aren't getting my friends hint, maybe you should leave her alone." A voice says from next to me and I see Marcel with his arms folded.

"And what are you going to do about it? Are you going to start spelling words for me geek?" Zayn mocks.

"At least I'm not a v-e-r-m-i-n." Marcel responds and a smile grows on my face.

"I could kill you before you could even think of repenting." Zayn snaps.

"At least I can spell that." Marcel replies. I watch as Zayn's face turns to pure anger. He looks like he is going to hit Marcel.

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