Chapter Six: New Kid

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I walk to my locker and pull out my English books. I close my locker and Jake walks up to me.

"Sammantha, did you have fun at my party?" Jake asks leading me to our English room.

"The parts I remember." I reply with a small smile.

"That's good... So how's your English assignment going?" He asks as we reach the classroom.

"Well the reports done... With no help from Louis... And we haven't started the rehearsing. How about you?" I ask.

"Did you expect Tomlinson to do any work?" Jake asks opening the door.

"Not really." I reply with a smile.

"Ok everyone take your seats." Mrs Lynn shouts and we all take our seats. Louis seat is empty and I'm not really surprised he normally wags school anyways. Mrs Lynn writes notes on the board and we all copy it down. The lesson is really boring, just notes the whole time. The bell rings and I pack all my things away and make my way towards my next class. The hallway is crowded with people making there way to classes and a few people snogging. I see Niall and I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

I feel a bump on my left shoulder and turn and see someone on the ground picking up there books. I crouch down and help them while people push past us.

"I'm so sorry." I say to the boy who I made drop their books. I hand them their history books and realise we are in the same class. I look up at the boy and narrow my eyes at him. "Harry?" I ask. The boy is a spitting image of Harry except the boy in front of me has shorter hair and glasses.

"Marcel actually, but people seem to get us mixed up a lot." Marcel replies.

"Oh I'm sorry..."

"Well we are brothers so it's fine." He says and we both stand up.

"Are you new? Because I have never seen you before." I say.

"Yes, I used to go to high school in Cheshire but moved here to look after Harry." He replies as we walk to class.

"So you are older?" I ask.

"Younger a year younger but I'm more developed in the brain." Marcel replies making me laugh.

"Well I'm Sam and you are welcome to sit with me and my friend at lunch if you like." I politely offer.

"I don't want to intrude plus people don't seem to like me so I don't want people acting different towards you."

"It's fine, really, you seem really nice a lot better than your brother and his friends." I reply. My mind flicks to Louis and how he actually wasn't that bad when I was hungover at his house.

"Talking about me babe?" Harry asks wrapping his arm around me and I push it off.

"What else is there to talk about?" I ask facing him.

"Why are you with him?" He asks staring at Marcel like he is filth.

"Because unlike you I actually enjoy his company." I reply. "Well I'm late for class so, nice chat." I say walking away. Marcel follows me and we make our way to history.


"Laura meet Marcel, Marcel meet Laura." I say introducing the two of them.

"Hi, yes I am related to Harry no we aren't twins." Marcel tells Laura and I smile.

"It's nice to meet you." Laura politely says and gives me a weird look but I ignore her.

"So who did you sneak off with on Friday?" I ask Laura.

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