Chapter Fifeteen: Didn't Happen

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I walk into school as the Lunch bell rings. I walk to the office and sign into school and then walk to my locker. I have people staring at me and commenting but I ignore them. I open my locker and its quickly shut and I jump making my cuts hurt. I look at the person who closed my locker and see Louis.

"We need to talk." Louis says and I sigh.

"I don't want to talk." I reply.

"You don't have a choice." He replies grabbing my arm but in a spot where there were no cuts. He drags me into one of the class rooms and closes the door. I stand uncomfortably in the class room and hug myself.

Im not really sure why we are in here but the atmosphere isn't like it normally is when it's just the two of us. I shift on my feet and then lean back against a table.

"Last night and this morning didn't happen." Louis says and I look up at him.

Is he ashamed of me? Well that's a stupid question to ask, of course he is, it's me we are talking about.

I don't say anything and continue to look at him.

"It's not like it's the first time we shared a bed." I say.

"I know but this was different, you were drunk and passed out. This time we cuddled." Louis says looking and sounding disgusted. "I don't do that, ever." He tells me.

"Well I don't either, but now that we have gotten that out can I go?" I ask.

"No." Louis says and I sigh. He paces around the room and I look at him confused.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Just... I don't want you to think I don't like you... I do... Just..." Louis trails off.

"I'm ham Sam?" I ask annoyed.

"No, I was going to say Niall's cousin." He replies.

"Look Louis, it's not like we are a couple or anything. You don't have to act like you care or anything." I say and walk towards the door.


I walk out of work as the sun is setting and decide to take the safer way. Knowing my luck this week I'll probably get mobbed or something.

The streets aren't very crowded but I can hear the music from the clubs. There are a few people smoking and throwing up outside and I cringe. I pull my hoody up and put my hands in my pockets. My cuts still hurt and walking isn't helping.

I look behind me and see people stumbling out of the bar and I suddenly regret taking this way. I fasten my pace and feel like someone is following me. I start thinking about Louis and how I would feel a whole lot safer if he was here.

As if on cue I hear a motorcycle pull up next to me. At first I fasten my pace then I look at the bike and automatically know it's Louis.

"Let me take you home." Louis says offering me the helmet.

"Will I have to forget this happened as well?" I ask.

"Well with this attitude maybe I won't bother." Louis says.

"So don't." I reply. I watch as he arches an eyebrow and shrugs. I watch as he turns on his motorcycle and I flinch at the sudden noise. Louis gives me a look like its my last chance and I pull my hoody further up and start walking again. I watch as he drives away and I mutter a few curses to him. I continue to walk down the street slightly regretting turning down Louis' offer.

"Hey, look who it is." A voice says and I look up and see Zayn.

"No entourage today?" I ask him and his lips turn into a little smirk.

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