Chapter twenty-seven: Fallin'

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I carefully get out of bed trying not to wake Louis up. The bed creaks and I see Louis sitting up. He looks up at me and then to his clock.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I have to go to Laura's to get my school things and then I'm going to school." I tell him.

"Skip it." He says and I walk over to my car keys.

"I can't." I tell him.

"You can." He says grabbing my hand. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm not skipping." I tell him and kiss his lips. He pulls me into his bed with my legs either side of him.

"Come on baby, just a day." He says as he kisses my jaw.

"No, Louis, I will come back a few hours after schools finished and we can have half the weekend together." I say and he frowns.

"Half the weekend?" He asks.

"I have a pregnant best friend that needs me." I tell him. I try to get off the bed but his grip is strong.

"You have a wounded boyfriend that needs you more." He responds.

"I'm going to be late." I say.

"I know." He replies and I kiss his lips. I've missed his lips. He runs his hands up my shirt and I feel my breathing hitch. He cups my breasts and I moan.

"I really have to go." I whisper and he sighs. He kisses my jaw and down my neck.

"Fine but come over here straight after." He says.

"I have work." I tell him. "No I can't skip that either."

"You should bring me food then." He says and I smile.

"I will, love you." I say and he smiles.

"Love you too." He replies and kisses my lips.


I sit with Laura and Marcel and continue to glance at Niall who is sitting next to Laura. They are both laughing and whispering and its weird.

"How's Louis?" Niall asks me.

"Fine." I reply. I'm still pissed at Niall for not telling me about Louis and he knocked up my best friend. I feel my phone buzz and I look down at it and see it is Claudia asking if I am coming home tonight. I reply with a no and put my phone away.

"Can we talk?" A voice says sending chills up my neck. I look up and see Harry with his arms crossed.

"I have nothing to talk to you about." I reply.

"Well I have a lot, get up." He says and I hesitantly get up.

I look over at Laura and she looks at me concerned and I try to reassure her everything will be fine. He grabs my wrist tightly and pulls me inside where no one is.

"What the fuck did you tell Louis you bitch?" Harry asks.

"When?" I ask.

"You know when he punched me for no reason at school." He replies and I shift uncomfortably and try to pull my wrist away from him.

"I told him the truth." I reply and his grip tightens and he pushes me up against a locker.

"What the hell was the truth?" He asks through clenched teeth. His grip is incredibly tight on my wrist and I feel like he would snap it if he held on tighter.

"I told him about how you tried to rape me." I say.

"Why would you tell him that?" He asks.

"Because that's what happened just before he found me in the alley way." I reply.

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