Chapter Twenty- Four: Failing

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I wake up from a knock on my door before it opens up. I sit up and see Claudia at the door.

"Oh, there is a man in your bed." She states and I look down at see Louis as he rubs his face.

"Claudia this is my boyfriend Louis." I introduce them.

"Morning." Louis says and Claudia looks between us.

"Right well breakfast is being served in the main dining room, are you joining us Louis?" She asks. I look over at the time and see its 20 minutes before school starts.

"No, neither of us will, we have to be at school soon." I reply getting up.

"You should really have some breakfast." Claudia says.

"Do you know where my clothes are?" I ask her and she walks into my room. She opens up a door and my eyes widen.

"This is my wardrobe?" I ask and she nods her head. It's nearly the size of my room. I walk in it and look at all the clothes on the walls and the shoes and bags. Obviously none of them are mine that I bought so they must be my sisters or my parents bought me clothes.

I walk to where my uniform is and quickly get changed in it. I walk back to my room and Louis and Claudia are in an awkward silence.

"Shall we go?" I ask Louis. He looks over at me and nods and he pulls himself up.

"Sammantha, you should know your parents wouldn't appreciate you sharing a bed with a boy." Claudia tells me.

"Well they are a bit late on telling me what to do." I respond.


I walk into the school with Louis' arm around my shoulders and we walk over to my seat. He kisses my lips and walks over to his normal spot to have a smoke. I watch Laura walking over and smiling.

"I see you two made up." She says and I nod my head.

"Yes." I reply.

"Good." She smiles.

"Hey I forgot to ask, have you narrowed down who you..." I say and raise my eyebrows and she vigorously shakes her head.

"Nope." She sighs.

"Well we will find out." I reply.

"Hopefully." She says and I look at her confused.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah fine." She replies as someone sits down and I see its Marcel.

"Hey guys, how was your weekend?" Marcel asks.

"Very good." I reply looking over at Louis as he blows out some smoke. I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it out.

Sammantha it's Claudia, dinner will be served at 7 tonight, will your boyfriend be joining the rest of your family?

I look at the message and bite my bottom lip. I feel like Louis wouldn't want to come.


"Okay so I have finished marking all your assignments." Mr Collins says handing back everyone's assignments.

I look down at my paper as he hands it back and see I got a D. I've never gotten a D before. I look through my work as read through all his comments. I see he has written that I need to see him after class and I sigh. The bell rings signalling the end of the day and I wait for everyone to leave before approaching Mr Collins.

"Sammantha... We both know you can achieve higher." He says and I nod my head. "Now, I've noticed you have been distracted lately and I know that moving and having everything that's going on with you is distracting and hard... But you need to focus on your studies, put that over your partying and your boyfriend." I look down and bite the inside of my cheek.

"Sure." I reply.

"I know you can get the scores, but if you can't you will be moved down to your year group." He warns me. I nod my head and he dismissed me. I grab my things and leave and head straight to my locker. I grab my things for homework and walk to the carpark. I see Louis in his car with his head leaning against the window and his eyes are closed. Its freezing right now. I walk to his car and get in and he sits up and rubs his eyes. He looks at the time as I warm myself up.

"You were in there for ages." He states. I look at the time and see the bell only went 15 minutes ago.

I can't believe I got a D. I've never gotten a score so low before. I feel so stupid.

"You okay babe?" Louis' voice says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm." I reply and I feel him look at me.

"What happened?" Louis asks as we drive to who knows where.

"It's stupid." I reply as Louis pulls over to the side of the road.

"I doubt it." Louis says and I sigh.

"Can we not talk about this?" I ask.

"Baby, what is it?" Louis asks moving a hand to my face so I can see him.

"You will think it's stupid and won't understand." I reply.

"Try me." He challenges and I hug my chest.

"I got a D in human bio." I say and he looks at me blankly.

I shake my head and look up knowing I was right about him not understanding.

"I told you, you wouldn't understand." I sigh.

"Babe everyone gets bad scores." He says.

"I don't though... I've always had the brains, it's all I have and I got a D... I failed... I'm stupid." I say getting upset.

"You are not stupid." Louis sighs. "Look baby, it was one bad grade, everything will be fine."

Why doesn't he get that I need A's I need to get the top marks to get into the uni I want to do the degree I want, getting a D is a guaranteed non acceptance to any uni I want. I failed, I've never failed anything academic. I feel so stupid. I feel like a failure. They are contemplating on dropping me back.

"Can you just take me to my house." I say looking out the window.

He starts driving again and I sink in my seat. I can't believe I got a D. I feel my phone buzz and see it's Claudia asking if Louis is coming for dinner. I don't want to ask him. I am annoyed, I don't want to have dinner with my non dead parents and their daughter. I don't want to live with them. I just want to go to my room and never leave. The car stops and I see we are at my house. I stay in the car and just stare at it. Maybe Sir was right. Maybe I do need to stop spending every hour with Louis and doing things that distract me from my studies.

"Can you come to dinner?" I ask looking over at him.

"Ah, Sammy..." Louis says and I know he is trying to find an excuse.

"Please." I add and he sighs.

"Fine." He responds and I kiss his lips.

"Thank you, 7." I say and he nods his head and kisses my lips again.

"See you at 7." He replies and I get out and he drives away.

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