Chapter Three: Homework

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I've been standing in the parking lot for nearly half an hour. I swear if Louis forgot or just left to see me stand in the freezing cold I will kill him. I look down at my arms and see they are slightly turning blue. What a dick. My nose and cheeks are burning, they are probably going to fall off. I pick up my bag and decide to walk home. As I begin to leave I hear a vehicle approach. I turn around and see a motorcycle. I watch as it stops next to me and Louis takes off his helmet.

"You're late." I tell him through chattering teeth.

"I had stuff to do." He replies.

"Well it would of been nice if you had told me so I didn't have to wait like an idiot in the cold for half an hour." I respond folding my arms.

"Are you going to get on anytime soon or would you prefer to stay in the cold for longer?" Louis asks ignoring my comment. I've never been on a motorcycle before. I hesitantly step closer to the bike and feel Louis looking at me. "I think that snail is moving faster than you." Louis says and I look up at him and glare.

"Shut up." I say and he stands up.

I'm not very tall probably just 5'3 so I have to look up to Louis. He puts the helmet on my head and starts doing it up. It's really uncomfortable. We are only a few inches apart so I can feel the heat radiating from him. He takes a step back and the cold air hits me making my shiver. I watch as he takes off his leather jacket, the muscles in his arm moving and causing him to look extremely attractive. Wait no this is Niall's friend and the guy who bullied you for years. He hands me the jacket and shake my head.

"You'll get cold." I tell him.

"Then my body can match my cold heart." He replies. I take the jacket and zip it up. It smells like Louis, smoke and a hint of mint.

"Thanks." I say putting my hand to my nose and its numb.

"Let's go." He tells me. I nod my head and watch Louis get on. I would rather not sit on a bike with my skirt on but I seem to have no choice. I sit on the bike with both legs either side and my skirt slightly rides up. I pull it down but it goes back up.

"Umm, is it... Umm... Where..." I stutter not knowing where to put my arms. I know you normally wrap them around the driver but I'm not sure if Louis would actually be ok with that.

Louis takes my hands and wraps them around his waist. I lean forward so my chest is against his back. I instantly start to warm up. I place my head on his back and I hear him take in a deep breath.

"All good babe?" Louis asks and I nod my head against his back.

He revs the engine making me jump and hold him tighter. I feel us moving and I shut my eyes. After a few seconds we start moving faster and the cold wind hits my legs and makes my skirt rise up a bit more. This was such a bad idea. I move my head up and see a few buildings that I don't really recognise. The bike stops and I see we are near a bar.

"Are you going to let go?" Louis asks and I can tell he has a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah sorry." I reply awkwardly letting go of him and pulling my skirt down.

"Babe, before we go in just a few things, don't touch anything, don't look at anyone and don't say anything until I say it's ok, got it?" Louis asks helping me off the motorcycle.

"Ok." I reply.

"Come on then let's go." He responds leading me towards the bar.

"Louis, I can't go in there." I say stopping and looking up at it. "I'm only 16."

"You're 16 and in year 12?" Louis asks looking down at me.

"I'm actually year 11." I reply.

"Eleven?" He asks stopping just before the door.

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