Chapter Nineteen: Being Pleased

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Louis' voice says in a low yell. I'm guessing he's trying not to wake me up but he kinda failed. He isn't in bed anymore so I guess he is at the other side of the room.

"Care to explain why you punched me?" Harry's voice growls sending chills down my spine.

"You know exactly why I punched you, now get the fuck out." Louis says his voice is calm and low but it's kinda scary.

"Tell me what I did because I have no fucking clue." Harry says angrily. I hear the door close and their voices muffle but are louder than when the door was open. I hug my legs and I hear my phone ringing. I walk over to it and see its Laura.

"Hey." I answer it.

"I slept with someone last night." She tells me and my eyes widen and I look over at the door. Would I call Laura if I slept with Louis? I nearly slept with him last night.

"Who?" I ask.

"Umm, I'm not sure." She says.

"You aren't sure who you lost you virginity to." I say to her furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well there are a few people it could be." She says and I lean against the desk.

"I'll come over soon and you can tell me everything and we can narrow it down." I sigh.

"Okay, please don't tell anyone, I don't want to look like a slut." She says.

"Uh sure." I say and we hang up.

I stand awkwardly against the desk and look down at my phone. I hear the door open a couple minutes later and I look over and see Louis. He grabs something off his table and throws it across the room angrily and it smashes making me flinch.

"The fucking prick is trying to convince me he did nothing." Louis snarls through gritted teeth.

I feel my stomach turn and start feeling sick. How can Harry act like he did nothing? He tried to rape me. I also don't like Louis angry. I stay silent slightly scared that if I say anything he will yell or do something. He looks over at me and walks over to me and I slightly move away.

"Do you think I will hurt you?" He asks annoyed. I don't say anything and he shakes his head annoyed. I want to tell him I want to go but I stay silent. He walks up to me so my back is pressed to the desk and his chest to mine. "I won't hurt you." He says putting his hand to my neck.

"I have to go to Laura's." I say.

"Sammy." Louis says annoyed.

"You won't hurt me." I say. I'm not sure how much I believe it but I'll pretend like I do.

His touch softens and he kisses up my neck. I press my hands to his chest and he kisses my lips.

"I won't hurt you baby." He mumbles.

"Louis, I really have to go to Laura's." I tell him, my voice soft and nearly inaudible.

"Tomorrow." He says kissing me.

The kiss is pretty rough and his hands are running up my top. He pulls me onto the desk he moves my legs apart so he is in the middle of them. He moves my hands so they are around his neck and he bites my bottom lip. I look at him and he has a smirk on his face. He looks different. He looks determined and his eyes are full of lust. He kisses my lips again and I kiss him back making his smirk grow. I run my hands through his hair and his hand run up my top again. My heart starts beating harder and my stomach twists as Louis cups my breasts. I open my mouth to stop him as he starts massaging them and I moan instead. He slips his tongue in my mouth and I tug at his hair. He continues to feel me up and my brain goes haywire. The only thing I am capable of right now is moaning and I can't stop. I feel like I'm not even in control of my body anymore. He easily and quickly takes my bra off and grabs my breasts harder and I moan out his name.

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