Chapter Sixteen: The Date

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I rest my head on my bedpost and call Laura. The phone rings a few times before she picks up.

"Finally, I've been calling you all day." She says.

"I'm sorry, I was busy." I tell her.

"Busy? You better of been dying at a hospital."

"I was doing my English assignment with Louis." I reply.

"And you couldn't of stopped for a few minutes to message me?" She asked

"Honestly I didn't want to message you... I've been in a shitty mood and I didn't want to have to listen to anyone else's problems."

"Wow, even when I have a shitty mood I don't act like a total bitch to you." She snaps and I sigh. "You know I listen to you complain for years and hear your problems even when I was having a worse day than you."

"But did your mood come from being told your parents weren't dead like you had been told for the past 13 years?" I ask her and the other side of the phone goes silent.

"They aren't dead? What do you mean they aren't dead?" She asks.

"As in my parents didn't want me so they drove away and left me with my Aunty and uncle and told them to tell me they died." I say angrily.

"Okay I will find them and kill them." Laura says and I slightly smile. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" She asks.

"Because I was so sad and it was hard enough when Louis found out, it would of been so much harder trying to tell you." I say.

"Wait Louis knows." She says.

"Yeah, he found out at the Halloween party." I say.

"I thought you were in your room the whole time."

"I was... Look he saw me sad and emotional at school and thought he should check up on me so he did and that's how he found out." I say.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me when you found out and that Louis knew before I did."

"I know I should of told you but it was too hard to talk about, I hate thinking about it, it just makes me feel so much worse about myself then I thought before." I say.

"How much have you cut since you found out?" She asks concern running through her voice.

"A lot." I say and hear her sigh.

"I'm coming over." She says and I nod my head.


I watch Laura walk inside my room and walk over to me. She hugs me tight and I wince in pain she pulls away her face full of concern and I play with my blankets.

"So on a scale to ten how much do you want to cry?" She asks.

"About a 9, but I don't know if I could actually cry anymore." I say.

"Okay then I'll get the icecream, movies or music first?" She asks.

"Music." I say and she stands up and walks out the room. I put on my McFly cd and sit back on my bed. My eyes catch something at my window and I see Louis. I quickly walk over to the window and walk out onto my balcony.

"I see you have company." Louis says and I nod my head. "I'll make this quick." He says and I look up at him confused. He smiles down at me and hands me an envelope. "It's an early birthday present." He says.

"I swear if this is anything like the last letter I opened I will kill you." I say and he smiles wider.

"Don't worry it's not bad." He smiles. I look away from him and open up the envelope. I take out the pieces of paper and see they are 2 tickets to the 1975 in Doncaster.

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