Chapter Five: Hangover

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I run to the bathroom and empty the contents in my stomach. I feel someone pull my hair away from my face and gently rubs circles on my back. I flush the toilet and wash my face in the sink, I rinse out my mouth and I get passed some mouthwash. I put some in my mouth and rinse it around. I spit it into the sink and wash out the sink. I look up at the mirror and my hair is an utter mess it's going in all directions and my makeup is pretty smudged making my eyes look really dark. I look down at my neck and see I have red marks on it, I look down at my clothes and see I'm not in the brown dress from last night. I am now wearing a grey long sleeved top that has a circle with what I'm guessing is French words in it, it is probably longer than the dress Laura wore last night. I feel slightly uncomfortable being in someone's top and not wearing any pants just my underwear.

"You should take this for your head." A voice says making me jump. I look behind me in the mirror and see Louis holding two tablets and a cup. My eyes lower to his bare chest and I can very clearly see his tattoos. His whole chest is practically covered along with his arms. I move my eyes back up to his face and see Louis looking at me with a smile. My stomach feels queasy and I quickly move to the toilet and throw up again.

"I going to die." I tell Louis as he continues to rub my back. I've not stopped vomited for the last like half an hour.

"You aren't going to die." Louis replies and I can mentally see him rolling his eyes.

"I feel like it." I groan.

"You are the one who decided to get wasted and high." Louis tells me he sounds pretty annoyed. I don't reply but just throw up again. I feel like death. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my knees hurt.

"I was high?" I ask Louis as I wash my face and mouth with mouth wash. I flush the toilet and feel highly embarrassed he has to see me in this state.

"Yes and you nearly slept with Harry, but I stopped you two." Louis tells me and I turn and look at him wide eyed.

"We didn't? Did we?" I ask.

"No, I got you McDonalds and then by the time we had gotten here you had passed out." Louis replies making me slightly calm down.

"Wait so does that mean you took me out my clothes?" I ask and I watch him scratch the back of his neck and look at his feet.

"I didn't look or do anything I just quickly got you out of it and into my top." He explains.

"Oh, good, thanks." I respond nervously playing with the sleeves of the top. To be honest I am slightly surprised he didn't try anything. Not that I think he is a necrophiliac, or in this case slightly a necrophiliac. But I would of thought he might of done something at the party. I'm surprised I even did anything with Harry. The thought makes me feel sick.

"Come on, you need to rest to cure your hangover." Louis says walking out the room and I follow him.

The house looks foreign to me. Louis leads me into a room and I'm guessing it's his room. He has CDs and records around the room. His walls are red and have a few posters up of bands on it. He has a few clothes on the floor. He has a queens size bed in the middle of his room and a TV at the foot of it. He has a desk with a laptop and speakers. I look at Louis and see he is laying in the bed and looking over at me. I look back at him and realise he wants me to get in too. I slightly shake my head and Louis sighs and roles his eyes.

"I just saw you throw up for like an hour I seriously am not going to try anything." Louis tells me and pats the bed.

"I shouldn't, I should probably go home." I tell him leaning against his desk to stay balanced. My head is spinning like crazy.

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