Chapter Twelve: Secerets Revealed

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***3 Weeks Later***

I walk out of my room and see Niall laying on his bed with the door open. He looks up from his guitar and quickly puts it down and walks up to me.

"Sam I'm so sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry please forgive me." Niall begs. Niall has been a dick for the last couple of weeks and I don't know if its because he isnt taking drugs or if its because he is taking drugs.

"Niall..." I sigh.

"No come on please don't be mad at me I'll make it up to you, we can go to the beach or ice skating or what ever you want to do." Niall begs.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Yes." Niall sighs.o

"Okay." I smile.


"This wasn't what I had in mind." Niall says as I walk up to the door. I open it up and walk straight to the books. "All these books are old." Niall complains.

"Well it is an antique book store." I reply.

"You would think they knew how to dust." Niall says wiping his finger on the shelf and wiping the dust off his fingers.

"You said anything." I reply.

"Yeah something fun, there is a bowling alley around the corner." Niall suggests.

"I hate bowling." I reply.

"You hate everything." Niall sighs as I pull out a Charles Dickens book.

"I'm sure you can find some comic books." I say and Niall sighs and walks away.

"Are you two timing me?" A voice says from behind me and I jump.

"Jake." I say looking up at him.

"What are you doing here with Niall?" He asks looking in the direction Niall went.

"Umm we are old family friends." I blurt out.

"Should I be worried?" He asks.

"No." I laugh.

"Good." He smiles and kisses my lips.

"What are you doing here? Old books don't seem like your thing." I state.

"What are you talking about... Cadets of the Dolphin is my favourite book." Jake says pulling a book at and reading the title.

"Oh I'm sure." I smile.

"I saw you walk in here and it's been a while since we saw each other." He says and I look at him confused.

"We saw each other yesterday." I reply.

"Yeah but I haven't been able to do this." He says and kisses my lips. I feel butterflies in my stomach and lean out of the kiss smiling.

"You weren't able to do that yesterday." I reply and he smiles.

"You should get out of hanging out with Niall and we should go somewhere." Jake says and I lose my smile.

"I don't think that would be a good thing." I reply.

"Why? He may hang out with tough guys but he's the weakest of the lot." Jake says and I do agree Niall is the weaker one.

"I can't I'm sorry." I say.

"How about tonight then?" He asks.

"Tonight sounds nice." I smile and he kisses my lips.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear Niall say and I pull away from Jake and I look over at Niall.

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