Chapter Twenty- Two: New Home

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"Who?" I ask Louis.

"I'm not telling you yet, I have to ask them first before accusing them of fucking your friend." He says.

"Louis I won't tell anyone." I reply.

"Just let me see if it is the right person first okay?"

"Fine." I sigh.

"Come on let's sleep." Louis says taking his shirt off and laying on the bed. I lay next to him and he wraps his arm me and kisses my head.

"I really enjoyed tonight, the concert was just, amazing." I tell him.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Louis smiles and I peck his lips.

"Thank you." I reply and rest my head on his shoulder.


"Ready to go?" Louis asks pulling his beanie on.

"Yeah." I reply grabbing my jacket.

"Before you two go I want photos." Jay says.

"Mum no." Louis says.

"Come on Louis, pleeeaaaassseee." Daisy pleads.

"I want one of him and Sam first." Jay says.

"Mum." Louis sighs and I smile.

"Hey it's fine." I tell Louis.

"Okay Louis put your arm around her, and look happy." Jay says. He wraps his arm around me and I look up at him and he looks down at me and smiles.

"You have to face the camera." Louis says and I nudge him.

"Smile you two." Jay says and I smile.


"Really nice meeting you." I say to Jay and she pulls me into a hug and I hug her back.

"Take care of him." She whispers to me and I nod my head.

"I will, you should send those photos to me." I say pulling away from her.

"I will." She smiles and I walk over to Louis' siblings and give them all hugs. I look over at Louis as he hugs his mum and she is holding onto him tightly. She whispers into his ear and a small smile forms on his lips and he nods his head.

"Me too." I hear Louis respond. Jay cups Louis face she scans his face memorising his face.

"Be safe my boy." She says.

"You too." He replies kissing her cheek and pulling away from her. He hugs his siblings and they all look a bit teary. You can tell how much they love Louis.

It would be nice having a family like Louis'. Having a mum like Jay that loves all her kids an equally, yet you can tell that her and Louis are incredibly close.

"Ready?" Louis asks and I nod my head.

"Bye guys." I say waving and walking to the car. I get in the passenger seat and Louis gets next to me.


"You need to stop." Louis says with a smile as I continue to take photos.

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