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"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27 (NLT)

When we think of peace, we might think of boredom. Yet Biblical peace isn't just an absence of hostility. It's the presence of holistic wellbeing.

The Biblical word for peace, 'shalom' has a sense of wholeness, fatness even. All is well in the world when we have peace with God and with one another.

Jesus makes an extraordinary claim. He says that He is the one who gives us peace with God. By His death on the cross, we can be reconciled to the Righteous Judge of all the earth.

Jesus might no longer be physically present with His people, but He has left us with His Spirit of peace. We get to enjoy 'joy at rest' as peace has been described. Joy has been described as 'peace dancing'!

Father in heaven, we praise You for the peace we enjoy with You through Your Son, the Lord Jesus. Help us not to be troubled or afraid, whatever life throws at us, in His name, amen'

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