Waking Up in Neverland

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I'm awake.

No, I'm dreaming.

I can feel it.

I understand this feeling.

What I don't is...

Why am I here?


What was that?


My name.


my name

My name is-


"Aria!" I jolted up from my sleep. My echo faded among the trees. I could feel the saltwater kissing my face. I was right beside the sea. The breeze sent goosebumps up my shoulders.

Where the hell am I?

It was a beach, a rocky beach.
I placed a hand against my aching head, flinching at the pain. I had been

dreaming, but that is all I could remember. Just the dream of a man whispering my name as I sat in the darkness. But that's it. Any other memories I could have had are gone. My mind was completely blank.

I focused on my breathing and kept my eyes closed. There must be something  I can remember anything. A single face, a single sign that before this I did exist. Think Aria, think!


I let myself calm down with a sigh. I opened my eyes. This was no time to exaggerate. I had to get out of here.

The first thing I noticed was my hands. I observed their color and noticed a faint dent around my finger on my left hand. I let my hand fall.

I dug at the pebbles beneath me. I grabbed a black pebble, observing it before throwing it out to the side. I looked back and saw the water crashing into the rocks. Fizzing and bringing back more pebbles into the sea. Everything was peaceful here. I wonder if the people were as well. Surely they would direct me back home.

"A girl?" I heard someone say.

I turned around to face a muscular slim figure with light brown wavy hair and a hard slim jawline, a boy. He looked like a teenager. His stare was pre-cautious yet amused and curious. I hadn't noticed he was standing a couple of feet away from me. How long has he been there?

He was smirking and his sea-green eyes devilishly staring into mine. He was accompanied by another boy with dirty blonde hair and a deadly scar on his face. He wore the same curious cautious look as the other boy and held a large weapon over his shoulder.

"Do I know you?" I asked. Maybe they knew where I came from or how I got here. Maybe I knew them.

The boy with the sea-green eyes smirked. "Well if I were to give a logical guess you're from a different land much- different than ours," he stepped forward. "But that's just me guessing."

 He extended out an arm for me to reach, but something was off about him. I got up on my own not sure whether or not I could trust the boy. The smile he wore on his face was untrustworthy. Almost as if he knew what was in store for me now that I was in his presence. As if he knew my weakness and was ready to use it against me.

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