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Austin’s P.O.V.

The spotlight shined bright in Austin’s eyes as he strummed the first chord on his guitar.  He adjusted himself on the stool and leaned forward towards the microphone.

“I don’t know what you’re into but baby I see me and you  walking round through the town always.” Ash continued to sing as Austin’s mind started to wander.

It took him months to write a song without Ally. It wasn’t the same without her and he never imagined it would be so hard to get the chords and lyrics to match. He continued to strum the guitar and sing background as he thought about her. It had been a little over a year since they had last seen each other and around one and a half months since they last wrote.

At first they wrote all the time, but soon the letters got more distant and eventually they stopped writing altogether. Amber and Ally still wrote though and every once and awhile Amber would update Austin about what is going on with Ally. Austin was always happy for Ally when he heard about the latest adventure she went on or animal she helped, but it never replaced the emptiness he felt in his chest without her.

He played the last chord and stood up. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes, thinking about Ally, but he quickly wiped them away before anyone saw, mustered a smile, and waved at the small gathering of fans in front of him. The audience mostly consisted of beautiful girls around his age, but no matter how beautiful they were, they would never compare to Ally. They all cheered and he high-fived a few of them before he walked off stage, hearing all of the fans screaming things like “I love you A5” and  “No, where are you going?!”  

Right now, Austin just wanted to go back to the hotel and lay in his bed, but this was his job and he knew he would disappoint both his fans and family if he didn’t go out for the encore, so he jumped a few times before turning to face the way out onto the stage again. Ash stood behind him and he patted his back, before the band all ran back out on stage for an encore. They decided to play Say You’ll Stay tonight for the last song and the fans went wild when Ash began singing. Once they finished there were a chorus of screams and once more  they left the stage.

“Great show tonight guys,” Ash said as they made their way back to the tour bus after the signing.  

“Yeah! I think that was one of our best,” Acker smiled, throwing an arm around Amber, who snuggled under his arm. Austin pushed open the door to the bus to spot Dani sitting on one of the couches. She immediately stood up and went over to Ash and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“You guys did great tonight!” She told us.

“Thanks babe,” Ash smiled and then gave her a small peck on the lips.  Austin watched them as Ash fell back on the couch and then pulled Dani on top of him. They started dating a month after Ally left.  Ash came to Austin before he asked Dani out to make sure he was okay with them dating and Austin had assured him that it was fine. He had been the one who gave Dani up, and there was no point keeping them apart. Now as he watched them, Dani resting her head against Ash and him resting his cheek on her head, he wondered if he would ever have that again.

He squeezed his eyes shut. He had to stop thinking about Ally. When he opened them again, he glanced up to see Aaron watching Ash and Dani intently. He saw the sadness riveted throughout his eyes and wondered if he had looked like that less than a minute ago. He had never really thought about it before, but they were both going through the same thing right now; both of them had lost the love of their lives.

Casey had broken up with Aaron not too long ago and everyone could tell that Aaron was still hurting. No one really knows exactly what went down between the two of them, only Aaron and Casey would ever really know. To everyone else, they bother appeared to be happy together. They had moved in together in the city not too long after Ally left and lived together for a few months. Then one day Aaron appeared on the doorstep, crying saying that they broke up. They never did hear from Casey again, though Dani had said something about her attending college at some Ivy League School and her needing time to focus on her studies.

Austin collapsed onto a chair opposite of the couch Ash and Dani were on. He sighed and then pulled his phone out of his back pocket. He opened the Twitter app and sent out a quick tweet to all his fans.

“Great show tonight! Thanks for everyone who came to support us!”  He immediately got tweets back from fans asking if he would follow them. He clicked a few follow buttons and then exited out of Twitter.

There was a small knock on the door and Alec entered the room. “Hey guys there are a few fans here that would love to get a quick picture with you, do you guys mind?”  

Ash rose from the couch, “No, that’s fine.” He gave Dani a quick kiss on the cheek and left the dressing room. Amber, Acker, and Aaron followed him. Austin went out for a little bit, but after a couple of pictures, the fans wanted to talk to the band and Austin excused himself.

“I’m not really in the mood right now Alec. Sorry,” Austin told him.

“Okay, that's fine.” Alec said, understandingly. Out of everyone, Alec had been the one Austin could always rely on to talk to and hang out with and not have to be reminded of Ally. Recently he had found his own Ally and while he had initially needed help with the whole dating experience, he had been good with going to Aaron or Ash for advice. Her name was Lacey and she suited Alec perfectly with them  always off giggling about things that no one else found funny. She had brightened his life and now he was always smiling.  Austin was happy for his little brother.

Austin walked up the steps of the tour bus and saw Dani on the couch, with her ipod in. When he closed the door, he heard someone ask where he went and Alec answered,  saying  that he was back in the dressing room and that he didn't feel well.

Dani took out her earphones. “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired from the show tonight.” He answered.

“Are you sure that is all that is bothering you?” She asked.

“Yeah...actually, no.” Austin said, talking about his feelings for once. Though it was awkward talking to Dani, she had been his friend once and he knew he had to get what he was feeling out. “I miss her. I can’t stop thinking about her.” He said, sitting down, and putting his face in his hands.

Dani stood up from the couch and came over and sat on the arm of his chair, placing her hand on his head and running her fingers through his hair, reassuring him. “I miss her too.”

“Do you think she will ever come back?”

Dani put her arm around his shoulders and shrugged, “I honestly don’t know. But I  hope so.”

Austin felt his heart break with the realization that Ally may never be coming back again. He  couldn’t withhold the stinging in his eyes anymore, and a single tear escaped the side of his eye and detailed his cheek before he straightened up and wiped it away. He knew it was finally time to move on. He couldn’t waste his time waiting for someone that he may never see again.


So this is really it...the last chapter ever of Say You’ll Stay! We really hope you guys have enjoyed this fanfic and thanks for following us on this crazy journey with all the random update times and poorly written chapters at some points!

We just wanted to say thank you again for all the votes and lovely comments that you guys left us! (Well not all the comments were lovely! But still!) We love you guys soooooo much!!!!

The song we had Austin "write" is on the side!

For the last time ever....

~Alyssa, Haley and Nicole


WE HAVE A SURPRISE! :O WE ARE GOING TO WRITE A SECOND BOOK!! We are still thinking of what to call it, but it is coming soon! Get ready for another rollercoaster ride in the life of A5  WE WILL KEEP YOU POSTED! LOVE YOU GUYSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMMENT AND TELL US IF YOU THINK IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO KEEP IT GOING!

Say You'll Stay: an R5 and Austin & Ally Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now