Chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Haley

Trish’s P.O.V.

Trish ran into the kitchen where her mom was still cooking breakfast, tears sliding down her face.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Dez. He’s--he’s gone,” Trish let out a giant sob.

“Oh, come here!” her mother said. She brushed her daughter’s hair out of her face and wrapped her in her arms. “What happened?”

Trish just shook her head and cried even more.

“It’s okay, sweetie. Just calm down and tell me what happened.”

“Ally just called and she told me that he got in a car accident last night and...well you know the rest.”

“That’s awful. I’m going to call his mother and see how she’s doing. Go back upstairs and rest, honey. It’s fine.”

Trish pulled away and sulked up the stairs to her bed. She ended up crying herself to sleep a few minutes later.

~A few hours later~

Trish woke up to her mother’s voice.

“Sweetie. Wake up.”

Trish yawned and sat up.

“I talked to Dez’s mother, and she was a mess. She told me that they are having the funeral Monday. I know it’s a bad time, but we can go if you want to. I’m sure I can take off of work.”

Trish nodded. “I think it’ll be good to see Austin and Ally, too.”

“Okay. You can start packing if you want. I’ll book the flight now.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“No problem, honey.

Her mom walked out the door, leaving Trish with just her thoughts and a broken heart. How was she going to watch as the boy she was loved was getting buried in the ground for all eternity?

Amber‘s P.O.V.

Amber sat in the hospital bed, Acker asleep in the chair he had moved next to her earlier. She tried to process everything that had happened in such a short amount of time. First off, Dez was in the car accident. She knew it was all her fault. If she had just told Dez about Blake earlier in their relationship, he’d still be alive now. Amber had basically caused the death of the love of her life. And secondly, she was pregnant. The doctor said she had been pregnant for two months already. How could she not have known? The baby could only be Dez’s. He was her first, and it was around two months ago when they slept together. They even used protection. It apparently didn’t work. And what was she going to do with the baby? Keep it or put it up for adoption? She had to tell everyone she was pregnant. She sighed and shook her head. Her life had gone haywire.

Aaron’s P.O.V.

Aaron couldn’t believe what he just heard. Casey was raped. He had heard about people getting raped, but he never thought it would happen to someone he knew, and especially someone he loved as much as Casey.

“When?” Aaron asked quietly.

“A week ago yesterday.”


“My brother’s friend, Greg.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Casey? You know you can trust me.”

“I know, Aaron. I do. I just didn’t know what to do after it happened. I only told Dani. We tell eachother everything. I’m really sorry for not telling you. I was just too scared that he would find out I told someone. Dani could tell there was something wrong, and she asked about it, so I told her.”

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