Chapter 27

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  • Dedicated to Dez

Austin’s P.O.V.

Austin woke up feeling horrible. He had barely slept that night because all he could think about was Dez lying lifeless in a wooden coffin. He knew he had to get out of bed and get ready for the funeral, even though he didn't want to. He flung his legs over the end of the bed and pushed himself up. He sighed. Today was going to be a long day.

Austin decided he'd put on his clothes for the funeral later so he threw on a blue t-shirt, navy skinny jeans, and his yellow converse. He looked at the clock. 8:47. He told Ally he would pick her up at 9 so they could meet Trish at the airport. He hopped in the car and drove to her house. When he got there, he walked up to her door and knocked. Her dad answered.

"Hi, Mr. Dawson. Is Ally here?" Austin asked.

"Hey, Austin!" Ally said, running down the stairs, purse in hand. "Let's go! Bye, Dad!" Ally pulled the door shut behind her and practically sprinted to Austin's car.

"Someone's excited to see Trish," Austin laughed as he climbed into the car.

Ally closed the passenger door. "She's my best friend, Austin. And I haven't seen her in like FOREVER!"

"Good point. Let's get going. Trish's plane lands in a few minutes and it takes a half hour to get there." Austin pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the airport.

"I can't believe that today is Dez's funeral," Ally sighed, making the mood more solemn.

"I know. It still feels so weird saying he died. I just don't want him to be gone that easily. If only I could hear his voice one more time."

"Yeah. I know."

The rest of the ride was driven in silence, both Austin and Ally thinking about Dez. They finally got to the airport and walked inside.

Ally took out her phone. "Trish said she's almost done going through security so she should be here in a few minutes."

Austin nodded and sat down. Ally sat next to him.

He turned to face her. "So about what you said on the phone earlier..."

"Austin, I already told you. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet. There's just been so much going on. First with Dez and then Ash and now Trish coming back. It's just too much to handle. Maybe we can be together, but just not right now, okay?"

Austin nodded and turned back to face the direction where Trish would come from. He still felt unwanted by Ally, and he knew that he and Dani wouldn’t be anything more than friends ever again. They sat there for a little while longer when they heard a high-pitched scream.


They both jumped out of their chairs and ran towards the sound. "TRISH!" they screamed in unison, running towards their best friend. They pulled her into a tight hug.

Trish’s P.O.V.

Trish couldn’t help but smile. She finally got to see her two best friends again. There was only one downside, and it outweighed all of the good. It was the reason she was back in Miami and not in her stupid middle-of-nowhere town in North Dakota. Dez’s funeral. She tried not to think about it and focus on the fact that she could see Austin and Ally again, but she couldn’t stop thinking about the boy she loved.

“Come on, guys. Let’s go back to my house. Trish, I can introduce you to the rest of my family!”

“Oh yeah! I’ve been waiting to meet them! They seem really fun!”

“Okay. Let’s go.” Austin took Trish’s luggage and they walked to the car.

They drove back to the Moon’s house and walked inside. “Trish, we’re going to get a blow-up mattress and you’ll be sharing a room with Amber, okay?” Austin said, motioning to Amber who was grinning as she walked up to Trish.

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