Chapter 2

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As Austin reached his house, he heard a familiar voice coming from the door that was cracked open slightly.

“Mom you’re here!” Austin yelled as he opened the door.

“Austin! Wow you’ve grown so much!” She said as she wrapped him in a tight hug.

“Where is everyone else?” he asked, looking around the room hoping to see the rest of his family.

“They went upstairs to find a room and unpack.”

Austin couldn’t wait to see them. He wondered if they were still the goofy kids he remembered them being as a kid. He turned the corner and saw them. The first person he saw was Ash, the oldest. He had blond hair like Austin but it was a bit longer.

“Ash!” Austin shouted, sprinting up to hug his favorite brother.

“Hey buddie! Nice to see you again! Woah. Austin. Calm down.  I can’t breathe.” Ash said, struggling for air because Austin squeezed him so tightly. “Everyone else has their own room down the hall.” Austin let go and rushed down the hallway to the next room in the house.

There he saw Aaron. He was the odd one out in the family, being the only one with true brown hair which hung down to his cheek bones.

“Aaron!” Austin dashed over and gave him a giant bear hug.

“Hey, Austin! How have you been?” Aaron asked, grinning.


“Acker’s across the hall.”

“Okay!” Austin scurried across the hallway and into the next room.

There was Acker. His real name was Evan but everyone called him Acker. Austin didn’t understand why he came because he wasn’t even a part of the family, but he was a really close friend, which sort of made sense. He was the funniest person you could ever meet. He had brown hair that wasn’t as long as Aaron’s but it was still long.

“Acker!” Austin hugged Acker.

“How’s it going?”

“Awesome! Is Alec next door?”

Acker nodded and Austin rushed into the next room.

Alec, the youngest in the family, was unpacking on the bed. He had sandy blond hair and was smarter than you would expect him to be.

“Alec! How’s my little brother?”

“I’m great!”


Then Austin realized something. There was someone missing.

“AUSTIN!!!!” Amber screamed from behind, tackling him to the ground.  Amber was their only sister. Sometimes he felt bad for her because she had to deal with four brothers, but he didn’t think she minded.

As Austin got up, he remembered that he had to get ready for his night out with Dani.

“Guys, I know you just got here and all but I need to go. I’m going out with my friend, Dani. We’re going to the movies.”

“Who’s Dani?” Ash teased.

“No one!” Austin said a little too forcefully.

“Ok, ok,” Ash replied, putting his hands up in defense.


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~ Nicole and Haley

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