Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Austin’s P.O.V.

Austin drove as slowly as he could down the road to Dani’s house. Ash had finally convinced him to go and talk to her. He pulled into her driveway and parked behind her car. She had a sticker on the back of her car that had the A5 logo on it. He looked at her house. It was smaller than his but not by much. He saw the light in her bedroom window was on. He was hoping she wouldn’t be home but she was.

He got out of the car and slowly walked up the path to the front door. He usually goes through the back door, but he felt like he wasn’t invited to go that way anymore. He knocked three times on the door because their doorbell was broken.

“Hi Austin!” Her little sister, Jess, opened the door.

“Hi Jess!” He said nervously. “How is my favorite little girl?”

“Great.” She had a huge grin on her face. Jess absolutely loved Austin. He even thinks that she might have a little crush on him.

“Is that a new dress? It’s very pretty.” She twirled around with her hands above her head.

“Yep! I got it yesterday!”

“Very cool!” Austin said. “Is Dani here?”

“Yeah, she is up in her room crying.” He winced. Austin couldn’t stand to hear that. He hated when people he loved cried over him.

“Don’t tell him that,” Dani’s mom said, walking out of the kitchen, drying her hands on a dish towel.

“Can we help you?” she asked him a little rude. Dani probably told her what had happened. Austin wondered if she told her what she did with Ash.

“I was wondering if I could see Dani,” he asked politely.

“I guess. She is up in her room. You know the way.”

Austin slowly crawled up the stairs and walked towards Dani’s room. He put his ear up to the door. He didn’t hear anything and wondered if she was sleeping. He knocked lightly.

“Come in,” he heard from the other side of the door. He opened it slowly. He saw Dani sitting on her bed with a book in her hand. It was called “Anna and the French Kiss.” She stopped reading and looked up at him. Her eyes still puffy and her nose red at the tip.

“What are you doing here?” She said putting down her book.

“Umm, can we talk?” Dani moved over on her bed so Austin could sit but instead he took a spot in a chair that was opposite of the bed.

“I guess,” Dani said pulling her legs up to her chest.

“Look. I’m sorry about kissing Ally, I didn’t know it was going to happen. I was just caught up in the moment.”

“Austin, I know you love her. You are my best friend and I can see it in your eyes. The way you look at her, it’s so different from the way you look at me. When you look at me, I can see you only see me as a friend and nothing more. I know you only dated me because you couldn’t be with Ally.”

“Honestly, Dani, I do love you.”

“But you love me like a friend.”

“No, Dani. I do love you as more than a friend.”

“But you love Ally more. I get it.”

Austin got out of the chair, walked over to Dani’s bed, and sat down next to her. “Dani, I love you.”

“Austin. I know you do, but you love Ally more, and I can’t change it. You can’t control who you love.”

“I’m sorry. I know. But remember that I do love you, and I always will. And I’m sorry for kissing her while we were still together. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Don’t worry. It’s fine.”


“Austin. It’s fine.”


“So I’m assuming we’re not together anymore?”

“Not after what you did with Ash.” Austin tried to keep his voice calm.

“Ash was still depressed about his fight with Ally and I was still mad at you for kissing her. We weren’t planning it, it just happened. We both made huge mistakes, Austin, I forgive you, and I really hope you can forgive me.” Her eyes started to fill with tears.

“Dani, I will always love you, but I can never love you the same way after what you did.” The tears rolled down her cheeks, and Austin wiped them away with his thumb.

“I better go.” He rose from the bed.

“Wait Austin.” He turned back to face her. “Do you think we can go back to the way we were before all of this drama?”

“Yeah, I would like that.” Austin said with a small smile.

“Good. See you around, friend.”

Amber‘s P.O.V.

Amber’s parents walked into her room in the hospital.

“Honey, are you alright? What happened?” her mom asked, rushing over to the bed.

“Mom, calm down. I’m fine.”

“Sweetie,” Amber’s dad said, placing his hand on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

Amber looked over at Acker, looking at him as if saying “Can we have some privacy?’

He nodded and walked into the hallway, shutting the door behind him.

“Mom, Dad, I’ have to tell you something, and I don’t want you to freak out.”

“We won’t.”


Both of her parents nodded.

Amber took a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.

Casey’s P.O.V.

Casey answer the door, wearing her penguin pajama pants and a purple A5 t-shirt.

“Hi, Dani,” she said.

“Hi!” Dani was wearing superman pajama pants with a blue tank top.

“Looking good there!”

“You too,” dani laughed. “So, what movie are we watching tonight.”

“I was thinking, our favorite--”

“Mean Girls!” they said together. Dani came inside and threw her overnight bag on the ground. Casey went into the kitchen and started to make popcorn for them to share. They went in the living room and casey popped the movie into the DVD player.

“So, Austin came over today,” Dani said as the movie started.

“What did he say?” Casey jumped onto the couch next to Dani.

“He kept telling me that he loved me, but I told him that I knew he loved Ally more, and we kinda...broke up.

“Sometimes guys are so weird.”

“I know. So you told Aaron about Greg?”

“Yeah, and I told him the whole story. I felt like it’s been long enough, and I had to tell someone sometime.”

“Do you want to tell me?”

Casey shrugged. “I guess.” Casey told Dani the exact same thing she told Aaron yesterday. “And that’s what happened.”


Casey jumped at the sound of her brother’s voice. She turned to face him. “Josh! Calm down! It’s fine!”

“No, Casey. Greg raped you! I’m going to kill him!”

Casey was getting worried. “No, Josh! You heard what he said he’d do if he found out I told someone! And now I’ve told 3 people! Please don’t, Josh.”

“I don’t care what he said he’d do to you! I’m going to that asshole’s house right now.”

Josh’s P.O.V.

Josh got into his car and drove to Greg’s house as fast as he could. He couldn’t believe that the guy he called his best friend had raped his little sister. He parked his car in the street and ran up to Greg’s front door.

“GREG OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!” he shouted, banging on it with his fist.

Greg answered the door. “Geez. What do you want, Josh? I’m with a girl in here.”

Josh grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him outside, slamming the door shut.

“Is there something you did last week that you want to tell me?”

“Uh, not that I can think of,” Greg said scratching his head.

“Maybe something that has to do with my sister?”

Greg’s eyes widened. “Umm...uh...I can’t think of anything.”

Josh swung his arm and punched Greg in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. “Maybe that’ll help you remember.”

“Remember what? Geez. Calm down, dude.” Greg stood back up, his hand on his cheek where Josh punched him.

“That you frickin’ raped my sister at that stupid party you forced me to have!”

“I didn’t rape your sister. She’s making up lies to get attention.”

“Why the hell would my sister lie about getting raped?”

“I don’t know.”

“Exactly! She wouldn’t!”

“I don’t know about that. She’s an idiot, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.”

“Did you just call Casey an idiot?”

“Yeah, I did.”

Josh hated Greg so much. He punched him again, and he fell to the ground. “Why did you do that to her?”

“Because she was trying to tell me to make everyone go home, and I didn’t want her telling me what to do.” Greg stood back up. “She was being annoying, and I was getting angry, and she wouldn’t shut up.”

“You jackass!” He punched Greg for a third time. “I’m going to call the police on you! You had no reason to do that! There is never any reason to do that!” Josh kneeled over Greg, continuing to punch him and yell at him. Greg’s parents heard the commotion and ran outside.

“Greg!” his mother screamed, running over to the boys.

His father sprinted over, grabbing Josh by the arms and pulling him away, but Josh kept trying to hit Greg. “Josh! Stop it!”

Josh ignored him. “Why did you do that to her? What’s wrong with you? You deserve to get punched in the face, you son of a bitch!”

Greg’s mother was helped him stand up. “What happened? Why are you punching my son.

“He raped Casey!”

Greg, is that true?” his mom asked.

“Why would I do that?”

“Gregory Thomas Harrison. Answer my question,” his mother said, now yelling.

Josh was surprised at how scared Greg was when his mother yelled.

“Yes,” Greg whispered, looking down at the ground.

Greg’s mother pulled him inside, while Greg’s father let go of Josh. “Josh,. Go home. We can take it from here.”

Josh nodded and went home, anger still coursing through his veins.

Dani’s P.O.V

“What did you do, Josh?” Casey yelled as soon as he walked in the door.

“He got what he deserved,” Josh said angrily, storming up the stairs.

“What did you do?” Casey ran after him. “Tell me now!”

Dani had never seen Josh act like this. He was usually really nice. It scared her.

“Josh!” She grabbed his wrist and turned him around. “What did you do to Greg?”

“I punched him and his parents came out and I told them what he did.”

“Josh! Why did you do that? He’s going to come after me again!”

Josh pulled Casey into a hug. “No he won’t Case, and if he does, I will protect you. And I’m sure Aaron would protect you too. Greg is horrible. You have no clue how much it hurts me to see you hurt. I will never let anyone do that to you again. And if they ever do I will kill them.”

“I love you, Josh. You’re the best brother anyone could ever have.”

“I love you too, Casey.”

“Sorry to break up this adorable brother/sister moment, but Mean Girls is at the best part,” Dani said from the bottom of the stairs.

Casey pulled away from the hug and turned towards Dani. “‘She doesn’t even go here’?”

Dani nodded, a smile spreading across her face.

Casey ran down the stairs. At the bottom she stopped and looked up at Josh. She mouthed “Thanks” and he smiled, walking up to his room.

Dani and Casey finished watching the movie and headed up to Casey room. They both sat on Casey bed together painting their nails.

“I’ve never seen you brother act like that,” Dani said finishing up her right foot.

“Yeah, he’s a little overprotective.”

“Not at all. I would love to have a brother like him. He’s amazing.”

“Ooh do you like him?” Casey ???


“Aww come on Dani. You know you can tell me anything. “

“No! Do you know how weird it would be if I liked your brother?”

“I wouldn’t mind. I mean at least it would get your mind of Austin,” Dani had forgot about him all night. She didn’t want to think about him knowing it would only make her sad. She thought about his perfect blond hair and his beautiful hazel eyes. She could hear his laugh and see his smile in her mind. She missed him so much.

“Hello? Dani, did you hear what I said?”

“What? No sorry.”

“I said I could set you two up if you want.”

“Don’t you think it’s a little too soon?”

“Well Austin has already moved on. It’s about time you did too.” She had a point. Austin probably went home and called Ally right away to tell her they broke up.

“I don’t know. I mean I don’t even know him that well.”

“Get up!”

“What?” Dani asked confused.

“Get up,” Casey got off her bed and stood up. “Now follow me.” They walked out and down the hall towards Josh’s room.

“No,” Dani said.


“No, I’m not going in there.”

“Yes you are.” Casey pushed her through the door into Josh’s room. Dani tried to turn around and leave, but Casey pulled the door shut and made it so she couldn’t get out.

She slowly turned around, “Umm hi?” She said. Josh was laying on his bed with his computer in a pair of boxer shorts and a tight t-shirt.

“Hi!” he said in his usual friendly tone. “Can I help you?”

“Umm,” Dani said nervously, “Casey wanted me to come and talk to you.”

“Oh,” Josh said a little confused. “Why?”

“Well we were just talking saying that I don’t really know you that well and then well I ended up in here.” Dani stood awkwardly in front of his door and waited for him to say something.

“I guess you can sit down.” He sat up and put his computer on his lap. Dani had to sit there because there was no where else in the room to sit. The chair he had in there was filled with a pile of clothes. Dani didn’t know if they were clean or dirty, but she didn’t want to find out.

She sat down next to him and pulled her knees to her chest.

“So...” Josh said.


“Well this weird.”

“Yeah, just a little.” Dani blushed and giggled quietly. They sat there for a good ten minutes saying nothing. Dani watched Josh scroll up and down different webpages on his computer. l

“I guess I’ll go now,” Dani said, getting up.

‘You don’t have to,” Josh said, stopping her.


This is a long chapter guys! We hope everyone loves it! Tell us what you think!

Keep sending us comments, suggestions, questions, and critiques! Also tell your friends and followers to read and vote for us!

We love you!

~Alyssa, Nicole, and Haley (@TigerLilly_1D, @1Dislife_R5, and @LiamPayne_R5)

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