Chapter 36

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Austin’s P.O.V.

“Hey Ash, can we talk?” It was the middle of the night, around 2:30 or something like that. Austin was happy that Ash had finally agreed to talk to him again. He had been debating something for a couple of days now, and he had no one to talk about it with. Now that Dez was gone, Austin had grown really close to Ash. He would tell him everything, but after the thing with Ally he had lost the only person he could talk about this with.

“Hmm, I’m trying to sleep,” Ash mumbled.

“Please. It’s really bothering me.”

“Fine.” Ash flipped over and turned on the light. Austin squinted his eyes and waited for them to adjust and then sat up with Ash.

“What is it?” Ash asked kind of annoyed that he was up so late.

“So I know this is kinda crazy, but I’m kinda having girl problems.” Austin felt his face turning red.

“How could you be having girl problems?” Ash asked. “You have Ally, and she loves you. You don’t need to do anything to win her heart. You could just go up and give her a kiss, and she wouldn’t mind at all. If I did that, she would yell at me. You are not having problems.” Ash rolled back over and pulled the sheets over his head. “Now, goodnight.”

“No! Ash! There is something else,” Austin protested.

“And what is that?” Ash said, still wrapped up in his blankets.

“I think I’m still in love with Dani.”

“What?” Ash sat up and looked Austin in the eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I don’t know. I love Ally, and I know that. But if I stay with Ally, I might lose Dani forever. I can’t even imagine what it’s like to watch the person you love date someone else. But--”

“Trust me, it’s not fun,” Ash said, looking down.

“I know. I’m sorry Ash. Honestly, I never thought that what happened would have happened. If I had, then I wouldn’t have done a lot of the things I ended up doing.”

“It’s okay bro. I never knew that you had your own problems. If anything, I’m sorry for being such an asshole.”

“It wasn't just you.”

“Okay continue. ‘But...”

“But the thing is, I miss Dani. She is my best friend, and I miss our movie nights and how we would text about the randomest things just to make eachother laugh. I don’t think I can just forget about her. No, I know I can’t forget about her. I need her in my life.”

“I understand. Go on,” Ash said.

“Well basically, now with Ally leaving, I don’t know what to do. Right now, I love Ally and want to stay with her, but she’s leaving. Should I stay with her or move on? I could see myself with Dani, and I still have feelings for her. I just don’t know.”

“I don’t know what to tell you Austin. The choice is yours. You just need to figure out who is the perfect one for you. From what it sounds like it, I think you should spend whatever time you have left with Ally. She’s a good girl, and she really needs her friends with her, ” Ash said.

“Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’ll have to keep thinking about it. Thanks for listening to me, Ash. I miss these conversations.”

“Yeah, me too. Goodnight.” Ash switched off the light and went back to sleep. Austin stared up at the ceiling. He needed to make a decision on what he was going to do, but for right now he was going to do what exactly Ash said and try to spend as much time he could with Ally.

Ally’s P.O.V.

Ally picked up a book that was on her bookshelf. She flipped through a couple of pages and then threw it in a box. She had to finish packing. She only had until the end of the week to pack and say her goodbyes to everyone. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with them before she had to leave.

She moved to her closet and started looking through her clothes. She found her old halloween costume and she felt a tear slide down her face. She remembered this halloween like it was yesterday. She dressed up as a butterfly, and Trish was a ladybug. Austin and Dez went as knights. Dani also came along with them, but Ally couldn’t remember what she went as.

They were heading to a party that one of Dez’s friends were throwing. They all arrived and went inside. There were already over 50 people there and the music was crazy loud. Austin pulled Ally to the dance floor and they started to dance. They were laughing and having so much fun.

“Do you want to go outside and get some air?” Austin yelled over the music. Ally nodded and he grabbed her hand and lead her outside. They sat on a white wooden bench that was under a tree, still holding hands.

“Are you having fun?” Austin asked.

“Totally! But it’s so hot in there.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Austin laughed. “We could just hang out here. It’s nice and cool, and we can still hear the music.”

“But don’t you think Trish and Dez will wonder where we are?”

“Nah, they won’t mind.” He smiled, giving Ally’s hand a little squeeze. “But speaking of Trish, do you have any idea what it is that she needs to tell us?”

“No clue. I just wish she would tell us already though because I’m starting to get nervous,” Ally said, looking down at her feet.

“You don’t have to get worried. I’m sure it’s nothing,” Austin said, squeezing Ally’s hand once again.

Ally looked up to find Austin looking deep into her eyes. He gave her a reassuring smile, and in return, she gave him a small smile back. “ Thanks, Austin.”

“No problem!” Right then, More Than This by One Direction, Ally’s favorite song at the moment, came on through the speakers. When Liam’s solo started, she couldn’t help but sing along. This song had gotten her through so many tough times.

“Do you know this song?” Austin asked, interrupting her singing.

“Yeah, it’s my favorite song at the moment.”

“Well in that case, would you like to dance?”

“No, it’s okay. We don’t have to,” Ally said, even though she kind of wanted to. They had been jumping around the whole night, and she wanted just to relax and dance to a song that she actually knew.

“But I want to.” Austin stood up and extended his hand.

Ally reached out and took hold of Austin’s hand. He pulled her up and placed his hands around Ally’s waist. Ally reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. They started swaying to the music.

When the chorus came on, Ally relaxed and rested her head against Austin’s shoulder, letting the music take over. These were the moments that Ally cherished, where her and Austin would wrap his arms around her and make her feel safe. Where they could be together and not have to worry about anything.

Once it got to the chorus the second time, Austin began to sing into Ally’s ear. It had always surprised her how Austin could learn a song so fast. Ally closed her eyes and focused on Austin’s angelic voice.

Back in her room, Ally wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, folded up the costume and placed it in her suitcase. That was the night Ally had discovered that she was in love with Austin.

Her phone vibrated on her bed. She crossed the room and answered. “Hello?”

“Hi Ally!” Austin said on the other end. “What are you up to?”

“Just packing,” Ally replied.

“Oh, well I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?”

“I would love to! I want to spend as much time as I can with you guys before I have to leave.”

“Me too. So I’ll pick you up at 7! Dress nice!”

“Okay! Can’t wait! See ya later Austin.”

“Bye Ally.” She hit the end button and fell back on her bed. She couldn’t wait to see Austin. She hadn’t been able to talk to him alone in forever, and it would mean so much more now that she was leaving.

Ally hopped in the shower. She turned the water to the hottest it could go without burning her and began to sing More Than This. Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t really listened to music in a while because she had been so preoccupied with writing. She washed her hair with her favorite shampoo and her body with Shea Butter body soap. She climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body and used another to put her hair up.

Now was the hardest part, deciding on something to wear. She should have at least asked Austin how she should dress. She went over to her closet and opened it, looking at all the outfits she could possibly wear. Nothing really caught her eye. She wanted the perfect outfit. After skimming her closet again, she decided she would try her luck with Casey. Casey always had really cute outfits that could probably fit Ally.

She retrieved her phone and dialed Casey’s number. Instead of it ringing, it went straight to voicemail. “The one time I really need her, she’s not there!” Ally said out loud. Her next best choice was Dani. She wasn’t sure how that would go, but she really needed a good outfit, and Dani might be of help. It was times like these she really missed having Trish around.

She dialed Dani’s number and waited. On the third ring, Dani picked up.


“Dani! Hi, it’s Ally.”

“Oh, hi Ally,” Dani said, sounding confused. “What do you need?”

“Oh well I was kinda just wondering...”


Now that Ally was talking to Dani, she felt bad. She had pretty much stolen Austin from Dani, and now here she was, asking for a favor for the date she was about to go on with him.

“Nothing, I guess.”

“Come on. It’s okay. Ask me,” Dani said, happily on the other line.

“Okay. Well I was wondering if I could borrow an outfit. I have plans this afternoon and need to wear something nice, but there is nothing in my closet that sparks my interest.”

“Oh no problem. Did you have anything specific in mind?”

“Not really. Anything will work,” Ally said, happily but guiltily at the same time.

“Okay. I’ll be right over with a couple of outfits!”

“Thank you so much Dani! I owe you!”

“No problem girl! See you in a few!”

“Okay sounds good!” Ally pressed the end button and decided to continue packing while she waited for Dani. She was glad that she and Dani didn’t seem to be on such a bad note after all.

Dani’s P.O.V.

Dani had grabbed a couple cute outfits that she knew would look good on Ally and even a little bag of makeup to bring over. She was used to helping Casey get dressed and was happy that Ally had called her, even though they weren’t the best of friends.

She climbed into her car, turned the ignition, and pulled out of the driveway. She had only been over Ally’s once before but still knew the way to her house. She pulled into her driveway and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, she found Ally smiling at her in nothing but a towel.

“Hey Dani! Thanks again for helping out!”

“No problem. I’m used to it with always helping Casey out!” Dani smiled at Ally, “I wasn’t sure if you needed help with makeup so I brought a few things that would match the outfits I picked out.”

“Oh that’s so sweet of you. Come on in,” Ally said, opening the door wider for Dani.

“So, where are you going anyways?” Dani asked as they climbed the stairs to Ally’s room.

“I don’t actually know. Au--they just said to dress fancy. And uhh...”

“It’s okay Ally. You’re going on a date with Austin. You don’t have to hide it. I understand. You guys are basically dating, and you should get to spend sometime with him.”

“Wow, I didn’t expect you to be so fine about it. And it’s not really a date. We just want to spend time together since I’m leaving.”

“Yeah I understand,” Dani said. Even though it still hurts her to think about Austin and Ally together, she couldn’t be mad at Ally. Ally was just too nice.

Ally lead the way into her room where she told Dani to lay the outfits on the bed as she went to brush her teeth. Dani did exactly as told and laid the outfits on the bed. The first one was a cute little black dress. It was simple but elegant. The second was an flowy white dress with a crop jean jacket and light brown boots. The third outfit was a cream dress with a black bow wrapped around the waist and cream colored heels.

Ally came out of the bathroom and wiped the toothpaste off her mouth. She came over and examined the outfits on the bed.

“They are all so cute!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know which one to chose.”

“Well personally I think that Austin would like this one the most on you,” Dani said pointing to the third outfit on the bed. “He loves that color.”

“Thanks so much Dani!” Ally said giving her a hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you!”

“You’re Welcome! Well, I hope you have fun tonight. I know I’ll be hearing about it tomorrow, right?”

“Definitely!” Ally smiled. Dani opened Ally’s door and went outside so she could finish getting ready for her date with Austin. Dani was happy for her. She knew she was going to have a great time with him tonight, but she just wished it was her. She missed the time she spent with Austin. She loved having the movie nights and the nights out in town. But it was too late. Austin chose Ally, not her.

Austin’s P.O.V.

Austin walked up the pathway to Ally’s house. He climbed the two steps to the door and rang the doorbell. He held the flowers he brought her behind his back so she would be surprised when he gave them to her. Her dad answered the door.

“Hello Austin,” he said in a serious voice.

“Hello Mr. Dawson. How are you?”

“Okay quit with the small talk. I want her home by 11 o'clock. No later. Also no funny business. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” Austin nodded his head.

“Good. Now, I hope you two have fun tonight,” he said with a smile.

“Thanks.” It sounded more like a question, but Austin didn’t think he noticed. Ally came down the stairs. Austin felt his jaw drop; she looked amazing. He couldn’t help but stare, but there was something about that outfit he recognized.

“Hey!” she said with a smile.

“H-hi, these are for you.” Austin handed her the flowers.

“Thanks! Here, let me put them in some water.” Austin followed her into the kitchen and watched her fill a vase up from behind the counter.

“These are beautiful,” she said, smelling one of the flowers. “Where did you get them?”

“Just a little shop in town,” Austin said.

“Okay. Are you ready to go?” she asked. Austin nodded and grabbed Ally’s hand, leading her to the car.

“Where are we going anyways?” she questioned once they pulled out of her driveway.

“I found this little place. It’s a restaurant and a dance floor.”

“Sounds interesting, but you know I’m not a good dancer,” Ally whined.

“But it will be fun! You can just follow my lead,” Austin smiled.

“I guess.” Ally sounded a little nervous. They pulled into the restaurant and climbed out of the car.

“This is cute!” Ally said, referring to the restaurant.

“I knew you would like it!” Austin said, grabbing her hand. He pulled open the door and gestured for her to walk inside.

“Reservation for Austin,” he told the lady behind the counter.

“Right this way,” she smiled. She led them to a table in the back of the restaurant by a window. The view was of the beach. Austin was glad that he picked a restaurant by the water. It made the night seem more special. Austin picked up his menu and started looking for something to order. He looked over at Ally who was also studying the menu.

She looked amazing tonight. He looked down at her outfit and remembered where it came from. When him and Dani were dating, she wore it on one of their dates.

“What are you going to get? I think I’m just going to get the grilled chicken salad,” Ally said, interrupting Austin’s thoughts.

“Umm, I might get a burger,” Austin said.

“Hi! My name is Kira and I will be your server today. Can I start you off with some drinks?” Kira said looking at Ally. She looked to be about 18 or 19. She was probably working here for the summer.

“Can I just have water?” Ally said.

“And for yo-- Oh my God. You’re Austin Moon,” she said as she turned to face him.

“Yeah,” Austin smiled.

“Can I please get a picture with you?”

“Sure!” Austin said. As Kira reached to get her phone, Austin turned and mouthed to Ally, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered.

“Okay! Smile!” Kira said, snapping a picture of the two of them. “Thanks! Now what would you like?”

“Can I--”

“Wow, I never thought I would be asking Austin Moon what he wants for dinner,” she cut him off.

“Can I have water too please,” Austin said.

“Yes! Of course you can! I’ll be back in a minute,” she said skipping off to the kitchen.

“I’m so sorry!” Austin said as soon as she was out of hearing distance.

“It’s fine! Really.”

“Okay. So did you finish packing?”

“Umm I’m almost done, but can we please not talk about this? I just want to spend this night with you before I have to leave.”

“Okay. What should we talk about then?”

“Umm,” Ally said while biting her bottom lip. “How’s A5 going?”

“Great! We have been doing a lot of practice and Alec got us our first gig! We are going to perform on Friday night! Can you come?”

“Yeah! But I’m leaving in the morning on Saturday so I might have to leave a little early.”

“That’s fine! As long as you are there for the beginning,” Austin said. Ally had no clue that that was the night he was going to make his decision. He planned to call either Dani or Ally up on stage to tell them how he felt.

“Will you do something for me that night?” Ally asked.

“Yeah, anything for you. What is it?”

“I wrote a song for you. It’s the last one I will ever be able to write for you, and I would love to get to hear you perform it.”

“Of course we will, Ally!”


Kira came back over and placed their glasses of water on the table. She took their orders and reported back to the kitchen. Austin and Ally talked for the rest of the night. They got their meals and continued to talk about music, school, what Ally was going to do with her mom. They had an amazing time.

Kira cleared away their dishes and just then the lights lowered. A DJ came out on the stage and started playing some slow music so couples could go out and dance.

“Ally Dawson would you dance with me?” Austin asked rising from his chair.

“Yes,” Ally took his hand and he led her out on the dance floor. They swayed to the beat when the song ended. The next song began, and Ally recognized it immediately. It was a One Direction song. Austin didn’t know it that well, but he was able to recognize it.

“Do you remember this song?” Ally asked. The second she said that, it all came back to him. This was the song playing the night he and Ally danced together outside of that party. It was called More Than This.

“Yes I do.”

“Can I tell you something?”


“That night was the first night I realized that I was in love with you,” Ally said. “I love you Austin Moon.”

Austin looked deep into Ally’s eyes. “ I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed her. Their lips moved in sync and fit together as if they were made for eachother. It was the perfect kiss to be one of their last.

~Later that night~

Austin pulled up to Ally’s house at 10:45. They had 15 minutes before Ally had to be home. He walked her up to her porch.

“I had a great time tonight,” Ally said.

“So did I,” Austin smiled. “I’m going to miss you so much!”

“Me too.”

Austin saw a tear slide down her face. He wiped it away with his thumb. “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just going to miss you so much,” she sniffed.

“I will too. But we can still text and call and talk all the time.”

“I know,” Ally looked up into his eyes.

“I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She stood up on her tip toes and gave Austin a soft kiss.

“Bye.” She opened the door but before she walked inside, Austin grabbed her hand and pulled her into a tight hug.

“I’m really going to miss you Ally.”

“I know, Austin. I’m really going to miss you too.” Ally relaxed in Austin’s arms and they remained that way until Ally began to get cold and had to go inside. Austin walked back down to his car. He hoped to make every night leading up to Ally’s moving more magical than the last.


So how’d you like it? Let us know! Plus just a little FYI, we will in fact be ending this fanfic soon as we are starting to write a One Direction one, and we’d prefer if there was only one to write at a time. Thanks so much for reading all this time and waiting for all ou crazy update times! You guys are amazing!!!!!

From now on we are going to pick a random fan who comments on the latest chapter and dedicate he next chapter to them!! This chapter is dedicated to JessicaAnn Mehaffey. Thanks for being a great fan!!!!

~Alyssa, Haley, and Nicole

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