Chapter 16

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Amber's P.O.V

Amber didn't understand why Acker was acting so weird. He rushed out the door faster than she could say goodbye. She walked up their driveway, determined to find out what was up with him. She walked up to his room. She didn't expect it to be as bad as it was. There were clothes all over the floor and underwear on the dresser. There was even a half eaten piece of pizza on the floor. Acker was sitting on his bed. She walked over and sat next to him.

"Can you tell me something?" Amber asked. "Why did you rush out of Sonic Boom so fast?"

"If I tell you, you can't tell anyone." Acker said, staring at the floor.

"Ok," Amber said listening closely.


"I promise."

"I read something."

"What do you mean?" Amber was confused.

"When I was in the loft at Sonic Boom, I saw this book. It had a big pink A in the front, so I opened it. It was Ally's. You know how curious I am, so I continued reading. I went to the most recent thing she wrote and it said something."  Acker stopped talking.

"What was it?" Amber was curious now.

"Ally is in love with Austin," Acker said quietly.

"What?! But Ally’s with Ash and--"

"Wait, there's more," Acker interrupted. "Austin and Dani are together."

"But they said--"

"I know what they said, Amber. They lied."

Austin's P.O.V.

Austin had gone to check on Acker, but he didn’t expect to overhear his conversation with Amber, and especially not this. Ally was in love with him. He walked back to his room and collapsed onto his bed.

Austin didn't know what to do. Ally loved him and he loved Ally but now he was with Dani. And Acker and Amber both know that they are together when it's supposed to be a secret. What was he going to tell Dani? He looked around his room at the mess. He slowly started to clean it up not knowing what else to do.

He picked up a shirt that was on top of Ash's dresser and found a picture of Ash and Ally together in a photobooth. He picked it up, examining it. On the back it said "Our Second Date". Austin put it down and walked over to his desk, pulling out the same photos of him and Ally in the photobooth. He remembered this day like it was yesterday. It was after they wrote their first song together. They had gone to get coffee when they saw the photobooth. Austin pulled Ally towards it, but she didn't want to go inside.

"Come on, Ally," he remembered saying. "It’ll be fun!" He finally got her to agree and they went in. The first picture was just a normal smile. The second was them with goofy faces. The third was when they gave each other bunny ears. The last one was when Austin gave Ally a kiss on the cheek.

He put down the photos. He knew that Ally was the one. He had to tell her that he loved her back. But what about Dani? She would be crushed. She would never forgive him for what he would do to her. She would probably never talk to him again.  

Dani's P.O.V.

Tonight Dani had a date with Austin. He texted her this morning and said it was time for them to have their first date. He didn't tell her where they were going but she didn't care as long as she was with him. She put on a cute purple sun dress and put the finishing touches on her make up. She looked at the time 7:35. Austin was late. He was never late.

Dani went downstairs to wait for him. The time was going by faster and faster. 7:40. 7:50. She checked her phone. No messages or calls from Austin. She turned on the television. It was one of her favorite shows Ross & Laura. She knew it was a kid’s show, but she still loved it.

She looked at the clock again. 8:45. Austin had stood Dani up. He never even texted or called her to tell her he wasn't coming. She walked up to her room and started to wipe off her make up. She could feel her eyes filling with tears. Maybe he forgot, she thought to herself. There's no need to get upset.

She put on her pajamas and crawled into bed. She knew it was only about 9:15 but she didn't want to stay up anymore. Dani didn't like real life. She wished she lived in a movie where everything worked out perfectly and everyone lived happily ever after. That way she would always have the perfect life.

Ash's P.O.V.

Ash and Ally walked out of the movie theater. They saw the new Batman movie. Ash thought it was a great movie. Ally said she liked it, but he thought that she didn't like all the action. He decided to take her to their favorite place to make it up to her.

They got in the car and headed towards the beach. On the way there, Ash stopped at the grocery store and picked up some strawberries and chocolate. He wanted to have a romantic night with Ally. They pulled into the parking lot and Ash pulled a blanket out of the back seat. They walked down the boardwalk and found a perfect spot on the sand. Ash pulled out the strawberries and chocolate and gave them to Ally.

"Are you okay? You’re acting a little weird," Ash asked, looking deep into Ally's eyes.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ash could tell she was lying. He had been with her for months now. He knew when something was up.

"Okay. If you say so," he said, not wanting to bother her. Ash leaned in for a kiss, but Ally turned so he missed her lips and hit her cheek instead.

They watched the waves crashed on the shore. Ash didn't understand why Ally was acting like this. He wanted this to be the perfect romantic night. They haven't had one for a while now and he was hoping tonight they would laugh and just have fun like they used too.

"Please tell me what's wrong," Ash begged.

"It's nothing," she lied, not making eye contact with him.

"Please," He put his hand under Ally’s chin and slowly turned her head so she was looking at him. "I know there is something wrong. We’ve been together for months now, and you think that I can’t tell when there is something wrong?"

"I really don’t want to talk about it, Ash," she sighed, looking down at the sand.

"If you really don't want to, you don't have to," Ash said.

"Thank you."

Ash tilted her head up so he could see her eyes and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. "Do you want me to bring you home?"

"No, I don't want to ruin this night." Ash pulled her close and she rested her head on his chest.

Ally's P.O.V.

Ally couldn't tell Ash what was bothering her. If he ever found out that she was in love with his brother, their relationship would never be the same. The worst part was when she saw Austin and Dani together. That's what was really bothering her. Dani knew that Ally liked him and she went behind her back and made out with Austin right in front of her. She thought Dani was her friend, but she was beginning to rethink that.

Ally looked up at Ash. He was the perfect guy in every way. He was good looking, funny, smart, and romantic. But he wasn't the guy for Ally. She loved Austin and she will always feel that way.

"I love you," she heard Ash say quietly. Ally couldn't say it back. She looked up and faked a smile.


Thanks for reading chapter 16! What did you think? Send us comments, questions, suggestions, and critiques as usual! And keep recommending it! The surprise might be at the end of the next chapter!

And Nicole got a follow on twitter from the R5 band account!

And we might add a new character or two soon. Stay tuned...

Ready, 5et, Rock!

~Haley and Nicole (@LiamPayne_R5 and @1Dislife_R5)

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