Chapter 3

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Dani’s P.O.V.

Dani didn’t know what to wear. She tried on around 20 different outfits but didn’t like any of them. She knew she was just going to the movies with Austin, like always, but the other day she realized that she wanted to be more than friends.

It was a day like any other, she and Austin. Just the two of them.They were hanging out at his house and her heart just skipped a beat. She didn't know why. Maybe it was the way his perfect blond hair fell or how his hazel eyes sparkled or how she realized he had always been nice to her, no matter what.

Dani realized at that moment that they would be the perfect couple. They always have fun together and rarely ever fight, and when they did, they hugged and made up instantly, but she knew he would never fall for her. They were just friends. She hated that word. Friend. She cringed at the sound of it. The worst part was what he said to her the other day. He just kept saying how this wasn’t a date and that they were just friends. Nothing more, nothing less. It crushed her heart into a million pieces.

Just then the doorbell rang, snapping Dani out of her deep thoughts. She glanced at the clock. 7:30. He was on time as always. She threw on a pair of old jeans and t-shirt and rushed downstairs to answer the door before her mom beat her to it.

“Hey,” she said just as she opened the door.

“Ready to go?” Austin asked. He looked as flawless as usual.

“Yep! What movie do you want to see?” Dani questioned, shutting the door behind her.

“I don’t know. How about the Amazing Spider Man? I heard it was great.”

“Yeah!” Dani pretended she was excited to go see the new Spider man movie, but in her heart, she really wanted to see a romantic movie. It would’ve been her first one with Austin. Oh well.

She hopped into the car and flipped on the radio as Austin sat down. She waited for Austin to buckle up, and they drove away.

“Hey, you look really nice tonight,” Austin said trying to make small talk.

“Oh yeah, a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt always make a sexy outfit,” Dani joked.

“Totally,” Austin laughed. Just then their favorite song came on the radio, and the two best friends jammed out to it.

Austin’s P.O.V.

As Austin pulled up to Dani’s house, he realized how tired he was. It was only 11 and he already wanted to go to bed. Then he remembered. There would be no sleep with a house full of family that he hasn’t seen in over 5 years. Well he could try to sleep, as long as he wasn’t sharing a room. What was it that his dad had said earlier? “I know you like your privacy, Austin, but there just aren’t enough rooms in the house. You’re going to have to share with...”

Ash. The loudest and craziest person in the family. He wasn’t too excited about this, even though Ash was his favorite brother. Well this would be interesting...


Austin was reluctant to get out of bed. Last night, Ash wasn’t too crazy, but Austin still had trouble falling asleep. Maybe it was because Acker was banging on his drumset all night. Acker and his drums were inseparable. It was no surprise that he brought them to Miami. Austin moaned and turned his head to look at his clock. It was 8:26. He promised Ally and Dez that he would meet them at Sonic Boom at 9. He groggily sat up, stretching his arms and yawning. He got changed and went downstairs, where there was a surprise waiting for him.

Dani was sitting at the kitchen counter, giggling at some joke that Austin hadn’t heard. A smile grew on his face.

“Dani?” Austin laughed, walking towards her.

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