Chapter 10

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Casey’s P.O.V.

Casey looked at herself in the mirror. She didn’t understand what made Aaron like her so much, but she was happy he did, and that’s all that mattered. She brushed her brown hair and went downstairs.

“Have fun on your date, Honey,” Casey’s mom said.

“Thanks, Mom!” Casey replied as she walked outside.

She walked from her house to the mall to meet Aaron at the restaurant. She walked past the cell phone accessory cart where Dallas was standing, staring at her just like before.

Oh god, Casey thought. I bet he’s going to come over and talk to me again.

Just as she thought, Dallas came running up behind her, calling her name.

She groaned and turned around. “What do you want, Dallas?”

“I was just-- Wow. You look really pretty.”

“Well that’s because I’m going on a date.”

“With who?”

“That’s none of your business,” Casey retorted, starting to walk away.

“Wait.” Dallas grabbed Casey’s shoulder, turned her around, and kissed her.

To Casey’s surprise, she didn’t try to stop him. She didn’t even pull back. It was an amazing kiss, and she enjoyed every second of it. She finally pulled away. She had a huge smile on her face. She looked at her watch. “Oh crap! I’m sorry, Dallas. This shouldn’t have happened. I was on my way to go on my first date with Aaron, Austin’s brother. I’m sorry. Please just don’t tell anyone about this.”

Casey ran away, feeling horrible for cheating on Aaron. Should she tell him what happened between her and Dallas or should she just keep it a secret? I’ll decide later, she thought and kept walking towards the restaurant.

Ally’s P.O.V.

Ally closed her bedroom door behind her. Her date with Ash was amazing. He was amazing.

She never thought she would meet someone that compared to Austin. Now she didn’t know what to do. She loved Austin from the moment she met him. But Ash, he was amazing in her eyes. He was good looking, nice, funny, and he made Ally feel like she was the most important person in the world.

She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She pulled it out to see she got a message from Ash.

<FROM: Ash

Hey beautiful, i miss u already.>

Ally admitted to herself that she already missed him too. She wanted to feel his warm, soft lips on hers once again. If only her dad hadn’t have interrupted them. She wasn’t surprised. Sometimes her dad was just so over protective.

<TO: Ash

i miss u to. do u want to hang out later? We could watch a movie or something.>

<FROM: Ash

i cant. we have band practice. But definitely tomorrow>

<TO: Ash

Cant wait!>

<FROM: Ash

Gtg. See u tomorrow! :) >

<TO: Ash


Ally was disappointed. Now she had nothing to do. She wished Trish was still here so she could tell her all about her amazing day with Ash.

Ally flopped onto her bed and drifted to sleep.

Austin’s P.O.V.

Ash walked into the house with a huge grin on his face. Their date must have gone well. Austin was just about to go out and meet up with Dani. They were going to her house to watch a movie.

He hadn’t seen Dani in a long time. He’s been spending so much time with the band, practicing and getting ready for a gig they had coming up.

“Hey,” Ash said.

“Hi,” Austin walked away. He knew he was being rude, but he wasn’t in the mood to hear Ash brag about his date with Ally.

Austin got in his car and started driving to Dani’s house. He flipped on the radio to hear “Heard it on the Radio” come through the speakers. It was one of the songs he recorded when he was Austin Moon, not the lead singer of A5.

Aaron’s P.O.V.

Aaron met Casey at the restaurant. He was excited but nervous for their first date. What if he tried too hard? Or what if he messed it up by being awkward and shy like before? He had to tr his best to stay relaxed and just act like himself.

“So,’ Casey said, handing the menu back to the waiter. “I guess we’re more than friends now?” She giggled.

“Obviously,” Aaron replied, laughing. “We did kiss twice and all.”

“Yeah. Aaron, I have to tell you something.” Her smile quickly turned to a frown.

“What is it?” Aaron

“Earlier when I was walking here, I ran into Dallas.”

Aaron sighed heavily. He already had problems with Dallas, and he didn’t want to have more. “What did he do now?” he moaned.

“Well, he came up behind me again and tried to talk to me. I said that I was going on a date and he asked who I was going out with. I didn’t tell him and then started to walk away, but he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. And then he...he...” Casey said cautiously.

“Casey. What did he do?” Aaron asked, worried.

She sighed. “He kissed me.”

Aaron was furious. “I’m going to kill him.” He started to stand up, but Casey stopped him.

“That’s not the end of the story.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright. I honestly don’t know how to say this, Aaron.”

“Casey. Take a deep breath and just let it out.”

She followed his advice. “When he kissed me, I...I didn’t pull away. I knew I should’ve but I just didn’t. I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry, Aaron. I really am.”

Aaron pushed his chair back angrily and stood up, teeming with fury. “How could you do this to me, Casey?” He shouted. He didn’t care if other people heard him. “I said that I loved you, and you told me the same! And I even forgave you and trusted that there was nothing going on between you and Dallas! I’m not even sure I love you anymore. Please don’t ever talk to me again. I can’t believe you did this to me, Casey. I just can’t believe it.”

Aaron left Casey behind and stormed out of the restaurant. He ran all the way home without stopping. He pushed open the front door and sprinted up the stairs. When he reached his bedroom, he locked the door behind him and collapsed on his bed, tears streaming down his face.


Thanks for reading once again! We can’t wait to hear what you think! Please comment and let us know!

Are you #TeamAuslly or #TeamAshly?

and what did you think of the huge Caron (Casey/Aaron) fight? Send us comments, suggestions, questions, or critiques! And please keep sharing with other people! We already said this but you guys are amazing!

Keep on rockin’!

~Haley and Nicole (@LiamPayne_R5 and @1Dislife_R5)

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