46. War Begins

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Alright last update i think for tonight. I really need to start updating. Night.


Ariana POV :

We stopped at what looks like and abandoned house. When we got the phone call this is where it came from. We hid somewhere no one can see where we are at. We all got out and grabbed the guns.

"Alright Jc , Hazel, Jenn, Connor you guys keep them people away from the house. Me and Kian will got find the girls in there." I said. They nodded.

"Ricky, Trevor, Sam keep and eye on the truck and the others. Me and Ari will be right back." Kian said. They all nodded.

"And guys please be careful. " I said. We all hugged each other and said I love you's. We pulled apart and went our ways.

Me and Kian walked in. It didn't look like and abandoned house. It looked like a little hide out. Me and Kian walked some more till we heard do voices. We both hid behind some boxes.

"What do you think Adam is going to do with them little girl?" A man said. That dickhead better not do anything with my babies.

"I don't know but all I know that he want that girl and boy dead." Another said. Me and Kian let them walk past.

We got up and kept walking till we got to a long hall. It had some boxes. Good because we may need to hide behind them. Me and Kian looked at eachother.

"Kian what if we can find them or even worse what if something happened to them." I said.

"Ariana we will don't worry. " he said. We saw the door opening. We hid behind the boxes again.

"Mommy. Daddy." I heard Zoey's little voice. I looked up and saw she was looking around the hall.

"Zoey oh my god. " I said. I ran up to her and gave her a hug.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She said.

"Where's Amber. " I said she pointed to the room that she came out of. Kian ran in there.

"Zoey honey are you okay did that man do anything to you?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No mommy he just yelled at me and sis and said he was going to hurt you and daddy." She said messing up at some words.

"Dont worry he's not going to hurt us." I said. Kian came back out with Amber in his arms.

"Come on let's go." He said. I picked up Zoey and we ran out to the doors. We heard talking and got behind some boxes.

The girls had tears coming down their face as we covered their mouth. Kian got his gun out and aimed it at one of the two men.i did the same.

"3..2..1." I mouthed we doth shot the guns. They both fell down.

"Alright girls don't look at the bodies. " I said was we walked past the two dead men on the floor. We ran all the way to the door.

We opened the door and saw a bunch of people with gins shooting at the others. I looked at Kian as he looked at me. We put the girls somewhere safe.

"Please stay by eachother and don't move it make a sound. " I said they both nodded.

"Ready. "Kian asked I nodded. We ran out with the others.


I hope you enjoyed I'm really sleepy right now so I'm going to read a couple of chapters of my fan fiction I'm reading the go to be.

Alright good night and have a blessed day.

See you when I update.


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