(Lucy's POV)
I went over to Angela "I want to see the evidence now"I told her she handed me a case file I opened it and it was clear prints "why would she do this"I said looking up at Angela "i don't know"Angela said "what do I do to help her?"I asked Angela "I'd suggest you get her a really good lawyer"Angela told me "what's going to happen to her?"I said as I looked at her "she'll definitely be going to court but if your lawyer doesn't come up with something good then she'll more than likely get life in prison"Angela said "what she's 11 years old"I said raising my voice slightly "I know but the law states that over age 10 you can be charged with anything if you're found guilty"Angela said "I'm going to go try get a lawyer"I said as I walked into Tim's office he was at his desk I rang a few lawyers then I found one perfect for Tamara's case i rang them and we arranged for them to come here to discuss stuff with me Tamara and Tim I agreed me and Tim went home it felt weird without Tamara there she'd always come sneak in our bed and cuddle up to us my heart started pounding as i thought about how she was feeling alone in that cell I slipped out of bed and put my coat and shoes on I drove to the station and went over to Tamara's cell I looked through the window and she was asleep huddled in the corner of the cell I took some deep breaths knowing she was okay made me relax a little I pulled up a chair and watched her making sure nothing went wrong when I heard a voice behind me it was Angela "Lucy it's 3am why are you here go home get some rest"Angela said "I can't sleep knowing she's alone here by herself"I told Angela as I turned back to Tamara sleeping she moved a little but she was still asleep
"Lucy you really should try get some sleep"Angela told me "and risk her waking up and feeling alone again no thanks"I said "Lucy ill watch her I promise you get some sleep"Angela told me so I thanked her and went into Tim's office I fell asleep on the couch.The next day the lawyer came and we discussed the case talking about ways of leniency for Tamara and how to make her sentence be shorter and stuff "we could get a psychiatrist in and see if they think she's mentally stable enough to go to court"the lawyer said
Tamara nodded they brought in a psychiatrist and Tamara was questioned by herself then she came over to me and hugged me "baby how'd it go"I said rubbing her back "she was asking me a lot but I answered them honestly promise"she told me "that's good tam really good"I said as I gave her a hug we went back to the lawyer and discussed more then Tamara was taken back to the holding cell I sat outside the cell watching her and she seemed okay(Tamara's POV)
I was in the cell after talking to the psychiatrist I sat back in the corner and was thinking of everything that could go wrong in court I started to hyperventilate a little and start crying but stopped after a few minutes I heard the cell door open and it was Angela she put a tray of food down for me "here we are try eat tam"she told me I nodded I took a few bites then finished it Angela picked up the tray and went to leave but I ran to her and hugged her "Angela can you stay with me only a few minutes or so it's scary being in here alone"I told her her "okay I can stay but not for long okay I've got other cases to work on"Angela said as she sat on my bed but I didn't get on the bed "can we maybe just sit on the floor the bed is scary"I told Angela "why's the bed scary?"she asked me I thought about whether or not to tell her but decided I should "because it reminds me of the one in my parents basement"I told her "your parents don't have a basement tho we searched the whole house and there definitely wasn't a basement"Angela said "it's hidden there's a door behind the bookshelf in the storage room it leads to the basement I could show you if you took me there there's like three dead people down there"I told Angela "are you serious?"she asked I nodded "yes I grew up in that house since I could talk they hit me and always hurt me in that basement I also saw them kill like 12 people they always told me if someone hurts you or tries taking advantage of you "kill the bastards that hurt you"" I told Angela "I'll get grey to sign off on it and your sure there's three bodies there?"angela asked me "could be more could be less depends if they disposed of them yet"I told Angela she left the cell then came back a few minutes later Lucy got in the car too we went to the house and I lead them to the storage room and got the door unlocked we went down the stairs and into the room and there it was the room I'd be abused in not that long ago the room I grew up in the bed was in the middle of the room the ropes were at tied to the four bed posts and there was an array of different tools and stuff they would use on different people I lead them further into the room to the other room my parents stored bodies in there were two men and one woman I recognised all of them "I wonder who they are and why there here?"angela says looking at them
"I know them"I said "who are they"Angela asked "the first man is Robert he was my dads friend and his biggest buyer always getting his drugs and stuff the second man is John he's my mums secret lover off something and the woman her names Alyssa she was nice my parents probably killed her off because she found out what there whole business was about she snuck me food a few times and they caught her kept her locked up for days so she didn't want to help me again but she did she was always talking to me about her kids and how she understood me because she was abused growing up but she stopped talking well after the bed and my dad happened"I told them "how do you know all of this?"Angela asked "there phone calls and letters make it pretty easy plus I grew up with aloe of people most of them are dead now but yk life is life and if I tried to stop them doing it then they would get even madder tell me I was bound to the bed for a few days and trust me you wouldn't want that for one day let alone 5"I said pointing to the bed "what do they even do to you on this bed?"lucy asked I just looked at all the different stuff "I think the real question is what don't they do to you"I told them "tam we should umm get you out of here"Lucy said turning me around "why I'm find in here not like I've not seen this stuff before seriously I've seen dead bodies since I was 2 it doesn't phase me anymore"I said as I looked at the bodies again I walked over to the woman Alyssa and took the photo out of her inside pocket I gave it to Lucy "there her kids josie and mark"I told her "she's probably not very old"Lucy said "she told me she was 36 like three months ago"I told them Angela stepped out the room but there was a more dismantled body in the corner of the room Angela and Lucy both threw up "you guys threw up over that"I said laughing Lucy just stood up and carried me to the car "baby we gotta get you to the station okay"Lucy told me "do we have to I don't like being alone in the cell it's scary"I told Lucy "I know but you do have to I'm sorry tam"Lucy said I just nodded we gotta to the station and I got put back in the cell I huddled back up in the corner of the cell and fell asleep.