Chapter 1

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"Come on! Push! I can already see the head! A little more! You can do it!", these were encouraging words from a doctor to a woman.

The doctor had blond hair and blue eyes.

The woman, in response, pushed with the last bit of her strength. Her head fell back on the pillow as she heard a baby's wails and smiled at her triumph. The doctor held the bloody baby and examined his face.

"It's a boy!", the doctor explained.

The woman peered over her outstretched legs and saw her baby. She smiled while panting. The woman had unusual red hair and ocean blue eyes. The doctor cut the umbilical cord and wiped off the blood from the boy. She wrapped him in a white cloth after. She handed him to his mother.

"Here he is, Kushina. Congratulations.", the doctor said.

Kushina smiled.

"Thank you, Mebuki.", she gratefully said.

Mebuki returned the smile with an affectionate one.

"I'll go get Minato. I'm sure he's dying to know that boy of his looks just like him.", Mebuki giggled.

Kushina chuckled. Mebuki went out the door.

The Hokage was pacing back and forth outside a room, crossing his arms. His wife was inside, giving birth. He just arrived from home a few minutes earlier to find out his wife isn't home. One of their neighbors informed him that his wife was in the hospital. He teleported there just as his wife was just entering the room.

Now here he was, nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because something bad might happen to his beloved wife. Excited because he was dying to know if his child will be a boy or a girl. If a boy, will the baby look like him? If a girl, will the baby look like his mother?

Just then, Mebuki, his wife's best friend, got out of the room. He approached her.

"How is she?", he frantically asked.

"Don't worry, Minato. She's fine. She's just tired.", Mebuki explained.

Minato breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I see her?", he asked.

"Of course. After all, you're the father and the Hokage.", she giggled.

Minato chuckled and rubbed his head.

"Oh... yeah. Right. I keep forgetting that.", he admitted.

Mebuki sweatdropped.

"Seriously?", she said, rubbing her forehead.

Minato smiled shyly.

"Anyways, I gotta run. Congratulations.", Mebuki said then shook Minato's hand.

"Thanks.", he said.

Mebuku smiled then went away. Minato reached for the door knob with shaky hands. He opened slowly and peered inside. He saw his wife, sweating with a small bundle beside her. He approached his family quietly. Kushina had her eyes closed but she felt his presence.

She opened her eyes and smiled at her husband.

"Hey.", she greeted.

"Hey. How are you?", he replied.

"Tired and hurt. But otherwise okay."

Minato looked at the boy's face. He noticed an unusual addition on his face.

"Whiskers.", he murmured.

"Yeah. He looks like you, ya know?", Kushina replied.

Minato smiled and leaned down to kiss the baby's forehead. Kushina gestured for him to take the baby. Minato did. He examined his son's face some more. The boy had blond hair like him.

"What should we name him?", Minato asked.

Kushina thought for a while.

"How about...", she started.

Minato waited for her to finish her sentence and continues to coo at the child.

"Naruto.", she finished.

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