Chapter 29

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Naruto went home and decided to visit the old man. The Sandaime, if you please.

He wore a black shirt and orange pants and left his hitai-ate at home, figuring he didn't need it. He walked towards the Hokage's office, ignoring the glares and stares from the villagers.

'Can't they get a life?!', Naruto thought.

He arrived at the Sandaime's office and walked in without knocking.

"Hey, old man! Long time no see!", Naruto greeted with a grin.

The current Hokage looked up from his papers and smiled as well.

"Why, hello, Naruto-kun. What brings you here?", Hiruzen asked.

"I just wanted to get info about the Genins and other kids that will participate in the Chunnin Exams.", Naruto said.

"For what purpose?", Hiruzen asked, surprised at Naruto's request.

"For intel. By the time the Chunnin Exams come, I want to be prepared for my enemies.", Naruto casually said.

"The Chunnin Exams are still months away, boy. Why in a rush?"

"Training purposes and for future informations."

"I'm glad you want to be very well prepared for the Chunnin Exams. I'm impressed. You even got the Top 1 spot in your class. You have made me proud. "

"Arigato, Hiruzen-sama. I promise to do even better in the Chunnin Exams if ever the time arrives."

"Okay. Give me a day. I will have my assistant give you the copies of their informations. Be warned, though, those information must be kept personal."

"I understand. I just want to know about their abilities, their elements, and their special techniques or something that has to do with their combat skills. That's all."

"Very well. I will send a messenger to deliver it to you by tomorrow."


"Now, do you have anything else in mind?"

"Hai. I want to know more about my current sensei, Hatake Kakashi."

"Why? Is there a problem?"

"No. It's just that I want to know about what he hides behind the mask and about his left eye."

"Oh, well... I guess you will have to find out for yourself, my boy. There are just things that you might want to discover on your own."

"I understand."

"Okay. You are dismissed."

Naruto bowed respectively and turned for the door. He went out and gently closed the door. He then headed to the training grounds to train.

The Sandaime stood up from his chair and looked out the window. His eyes ventured on the mountain to the faces of the previous Hokage, then landed on the carved face of Namikaze Minato, the 4th Hokage. He smiled.

"This boy of yours truly is something, Minato. I am sure you are as proud at him as I am, Kushina.", Hiruzen said.

He then sighed and shook his head.

"If only you are here for him, though, Kushina, Minato.", he said as he looked down at the villagers staring at Naruto.

He sat back in his chair and sign the paperwork his assistant left him.

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